Israel is considering changing restrictive gun laws.

We don't hate Jesus. Most of us just see him in a different but important light. As a Jew he saw problems with what was happening within the religion and showed what his solutions were just as many of the protestant movements made changes to Catholicism. I personally think good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.
I have a table for two, reserved by the lake of fire.
I love the USA. I hate the US gov and their Leftist army of lunatics. They're willingly destroying everything because of feelings
You don’t think we should be defending Isreal? I mean ok I’m Jewish I have many friends who still have family over there well they did they are all dead she lost 11 cousins aunts uncle’s 3 babies under a year triplets. And if your a Christian isint it your obligation to defend the Jews is that not clearly in the Bible . So tell me . And hey I’m 100% not attacking you you are entitled to your own views I’m just curious how you see it. Be safe shoot straight
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