Legal to park on the interstate?

I see folks doing it all the time during hunting season. Same with the state/US highways. Folks just park their truck on the side of the road and walk to their stands. See them all over the place on hwy 18 between Forsyth and Gray.
"My vehicle stalled (**cough, when I turned the ignition off, cough**), I was trying to find a way through the woods to get help. Carried my rifle/bow just in case I ran up on any dangerous animals...and to make sure they didn't get stolen."

I see it all the time around here where the interstate is near WMAs and some hunting land. Never seen one towed. If a vehicle sits too long, they stick one of those stickers on it, guessing threatening to tow it if it is there too long, but the hunters aren't there long enough to get a sticker.

"My vehicle stalled (**cough, when I turned the ignition off, cough**), I was trying to find a way through the woods to get help. Carried my rifle/bow just in case I ran up on any dangerous animals...and to make sure they didn't get stolen."

I see it all the time around here where the interstate is near WMAs and some hunting land. Never seen one towed. If a vehicle sits too long, they stick one of those stickers on it, guessing threatening to tow it if it is there too long, but the hunters aren't there long enough to get a sticker.

Buddy and both got stickers over a 4 hour evening sit. Man those things don’t wanna come off either. I’ve had several cops and emergency vehicles check my car out, and nothing has happened. Just a little nervous that I may get messed with if a cop sees me entering or exiting the vehicle. I’ve been on several hunts to this property this season though and nothing negative. Guess I’m gonna carry on until I have a good reason not to. Thanks for all the replies!
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