Look what a found

Look like a rat snake to me and the mf was 9 feet long, so indigo your opinion as you see fit.

The longest (non evasive) snake in the US is the endangered Eastern Indigo IIRC.
It's certainly the largest snake in the wild I've ever seen.
I have one around the house somewhere that ends up guarding my veggies every year.
I'll admit he scares the crap out of me most times, because I'm not looking for him, I'm looking for something to pick.
Like you said a very, very long black colored snake and if he just shed, he has a blue iridescent stripe down near the bottom.
Best I recall that stripe went form head to tail.
Was pretty, for a snake. :becky:

BIG fine, don't kill one of those, they're no danger to people or pets...
What ever it was I shot the dam snake with 4 rounds of 6 shot, and the dam snake is dead. So if I broke the law it was dead and gone. I'm sure you can male nurse it back to life if you can find it's carcass.
One Dead Rat Snake, Chicken Snake or Whatever
I kill all snakes except a black snake, all others die die die
Pet snakes I have owned. Green Anaconda, timber rattlers x2, copperheads, water moccasins, cottonmouths, eastern diamondbacks, eyelash vipers, emerald tree boa, albino burmese python, regular burmese python, surinam redtail boas x2 and a few others. I know a little about snakes and I get annoyed by people killing non venomous snakes yet I will never act holier than thou when it comes to my knowledge of reptiles.
I'd love it if one moved in at mine. F****** chipmunks. I'd try an talk someone into catching one an bringing it over, but the odds of it actually settling in my yard an not moving off somewhere else to live would have to be pretty low.
Here's an Eastern Indigo in the video.
Notice the blue shining when the light reflects off of him.

I caught a 4' Indigo after it had scared my oldest daughter on to a chair on our front porch. He was very fast, angry and a beautiful snake. After some show and tell with my 4 daughters I released him back unharmed.
Parents just bought a place in the country. Been over a lot helping out. Lots of wooded areas and fallen trees and other goodies. Have pulled three off of me in the past week, including one when I was out at a grocery store. Just crawling up my arm with no care in the world. Dogs attract 'em like magnets too. Chickens and guineas will kill them if you have the grazing land.

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