Lumbar Plunge/Spinal Tap 12/1

Possibly. I had the Biological Warfare disease in February of this year. No I am not “vaccinated”-
There are a lot of folks having several auto immune diseases after Covid. All of my symptoms are pointing to this:

It requires plasma transfusion to reboot your own immune system to defeat it.

In a nutshell my immune system is attacking my nervous system and destroying the outer layer of my actual nerves.

The Mayo Clinic has me on a 90 day waiting list for treatment. 😂😂😂😂
Brother had GBS after some vaccines for international travel. This was 40 years ago. He made a 95%+ recovery.
Keep the faith!
You serious Clark?
He might be but you'll need a different doctor cause the ones we have today only believe science!
My legs are deteriorating daily. Both calf muscles died and now the hamstrings are up to bat. It's a weird feeling not having strength to push yourself across a parking lot not to mention climbing stairs.
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