Mr. green jeans experience while hunting.

Enjoyed the conversation. Gotta go load the truck and head to Wyoming. I’m gonna slay some of them “non-game” prairie dogs for my rancher buddy. He will enjoy reading these posts and get a chuckle out of it.

He pays me a quarter per head so I can deduct all my expenses in my not so profitable but meeting the letter of the law exterminating business. If I shoot well enough and long enough I hope to make a profit this year.

God, I love following the letter of the law sometimes!

The ol lawbreaker slob Hunter is “peace out.”

And to be perfectly clear, I meant to impune no one’s honor or compliance with any laws. I was simply pointing out that no matter how hard you try you can’t walk around these days without breaking some, even if unknowingly.

I hope we can just agree to disagree on some things withou calling each other names.
My sincerest apologies if I have done so...
I walked away and the old story about the argument between the hard shell Baptist preacher and his Methodist pastor friend came to mind.

They were aguing about dunking vs sprinkling for baptism.

The Methodist asks his friend “So I we walk them out in the river up to their knees and sprinkle their head is that ok?”

“Nope, not good enough”

Well then, how about if we take them out till only their shoulders are out of the water?

The Bible says and Jesus’s example was full immersion says the Baptist.

Ok, then. We will take them out till we can just barely see the tip of their head out of the water...will that work?

NO NO NO...says the Baptist! You have to put them completely under! Including the last little tip of their heads!
Not immersing that little area on the tip of their head invalidates the whole thing!

Well then, see I told you we were right says the Methodist as he walks away. We sprinkle the most important part.

Who in their right mind would pay $10-k to shoot a caged deer?
Is that the kid that lived in mommy’s basement till 40 then didn’t know what to do when she died so he took up “Hunting” with the inheritance?

Agreed. Paying that amount or shooting penned animals is not my cup of tea either.
Got my best whitetail the old fashioned way. I earned it. Hunted over 10 years in the same town...passed many smaller deer...scouted for days then belly crawled a few hundred yards in the snow and freezing temps to get to the only spot I could get a shot without spooking the deer.

Made a heart shot at 276 yards at 5:29pm. Legal shooting hours ended at 5:30.

Would I have taken the shot at 5:30.5? Probably. 5:40? Nope, too dark for ethical shot.

Last time I seen Mr. Green jeans he wrote me a warning for not having my canoe registered because I had a trolling motor mounted. I just make sure I don't mount it till I'm out of site of the boat ramp now. ****ing nanny state.
If it pleases the crown, may I motorize my canoe for travel down the kings river.
What other exceptions would you like to make to fees that facilitate public access to the outdoors?
Break out the paddles or quit being so cheap. Preferably both. :p
I have a small 10' 'bass tender" type boat I use a trolling motor on to fish a few local lakes. I haven't used it in probably 4 years. Register it every year. I consider it a contribution to WRD.
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