ODT Brain Trust - dating advice

I'd hate to start looking for a new partner at my age, hell, it's taken 25 years for me to learn to get along with the wife I've got! that being said, I never liked clingy and dependent women. I'd be looking for a woman that didn't need your finances and was independent then you've got a companion, not someone that's trying to bleed you dry.
A friend finally divorced his crazy ex-wife and started signing up on dating sites. One day he asked me to look through a bunch that he thought were better than average. I said "they all look desperate". He initially was sad then finally agreed and we laughed as we enjoyed a local Mexican restaurant ... while he flirted with the waitress. She was at least 20 years younger than him too. I told him it was a whole lot cheaper to eat good food and flirt with a waitress than getting involved with any woman but I doubt he'll take my sage wisdom to heart.

Lunch tips are far less expensive than a divorce attorney.
Just don't be a "sensitive, new age man".

The only people who tell you that are going to be women, and women typically have no idea what they actually want. This is why they spend their late teens and 20's sleeping around or pining for 'exciting men' and then when they hit thirty they'll "settle" for someone to hang around and pay the bills.

Don't listen to what they say - watch how they behave. They want a man who is not a doormat. Be forthright. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Hold them to standards. Don't let them use you as a piggy bank. Set up that first meeting as something lower impact, minimal cost. Maybe you do pay (but as I say - keep that first meeting "cheap"), and tell her she can cover 'next time'. See what the reaction is and act accordingly. Watch how she treats the people who serve you.

Especially at these women's age, no matter how attracted to them you are, there's some guy out there who's sick of her bull****.
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