Official ODT Silver Thread

How is it that the precious metals market is tanking when the stock market is down and inflation is at a 40 year high? This S*** makes NO sense........
Most stock traders are heavily margined, when stocks drop they have to sell something to make the margin call. they often sell their commodity positions. Often major stock drops lead to buying opportunities in the commodity markets especially gold and silver. Also to restore faith in the dollar the shorts are continuing downward pressure on silver. This camels back will one day break.
stay the course.
Most stock traders are heavily margined, when stocks drop they have to sell something to make the margin call. they often sell their commodity positions. Often major stock drops lead to buying opportunities in the commodity markets especially gold and silver. Also to restore faith in the dollar the shorts are continuing downward pressure on silver. This camels back will one day break.
stay the course.
How long do you think they'll be able to keep their balls in the air in terms of keeping the PM market suppressed?
Most stock traders are heavily margined, when stocks drop they have to sell something to make the margin call. they often sell their commodity positions. Often major stock drops lead to buying opportunities in the commodity markets especially gold and silver. Also to restore faith in the dollar the shorts are continuing downward pressure on silver. This camels back will one day break.
stay the course.
That helps
i was thinking 2+2= chair
How is it that the precious metals market is tanking when the stock market is down and inflation is at a 40 year high? This S*** makes NO sense........
In addition to the above.
Paper PMs set price on physical PMs. Call options on paper PMs go down, PM mining shares go down, spot goes down.
But premiums go up. Look at that instead.
2 years ago premium on ASE was $8, other sovereigns $5, bullion $1 on sale, $3-4 normally.
Now premiums on ASE is $14, sovereigns $9, bullion $4 on sale, $6 normally.
How long do you think they'll be able to keep their balls in the air in terms of keeping the PM market suppressed?
2 years max. That's about how long I think it will be max before USD is no longer the world's reserve currency.

In 2021 BRICS population was 3.23 Billion people, 40% of the world's population.
In 2021 EU population was 447.01 million, US 331 mil.

World's manufacturing base is now mostly in BRICS, except for some in Germany, US and Canada (none can supply their needs in steel, aluminum, copper, lead, rare earth metals or even nickel and palladium). Western heavy industry has been purposefully dismantled. Western Europe does not grow enough food itself.
Natural resources are predominantly in BRICS. Saudies are no longer on friendly terms with US, they are making deals for oil in non-USD. Middle eastern countries are repatriating their funds from US into their own countries and getting out of USD.
Fully agree but hard to click like. Lots of financial pain and turmoil in the future.
I added explanations. I do not like it either, but better to know. USSR was in the similar position in 1980s and 1990s. It is possible to right the ship, and it is possible to survive and increase/preserve one's wealth.
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