Plz Vote Today

I'm hoping for the same to re

I hoping this election dampens the far right momentum. But the way we have been going things are only going to get more extreme. The difference is the baby boomer dieing off over the next decade and the impact that will have on the electorate.

I certainly hope the far right doesnt take a crushing defeat of the dems as a blanket endorsement (if that happens). The far right doesnt define liberty in my eyes either. Better than the dems is a low bar. I would love to see a viable third party that supports the "leave me alone and let me keep my money by adhering to the Constitution of the United States" platform. Not the case today so I do the best I can. I like what Trumps been doing. Repubs are less likely to OVERTLY thwart him as he enjoys strong support from a good portion of their base and they need to keep their votes.

Shouldn’t be this close in Georgia.....
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