Solvent trap for suppressor

Yes, it does, if you read and understand ATF's reasoning.
They deny your application because in their view you ALREADY possessed an illegal silencer kit,
and it's been a generations-long policy of the feds that you can't change contraband into a legal product.
Once it's illegal, it's contraband, and you can't fix the problem with new registration and taxation.

Now, ATF is NOT actually going out and looking to prosecute people for buying silencer kits-- yet.
But their position is that they are illegal, to have those parts, even unfinished, not assembled into a working can, since both the maker of the parts and you, when you bought them, intended them to be silencer parts.

WildMan WildMan - I'd side with the stance of an attorney vs. your conjecture. Don't want to give OP bad advice.
I used to wonder about the little guy walking the aisles of the shows with the battery powered blue light (ala K-Mart) on his backpack full of "solvent traps." I figured he was simply an ATF informant trying to entrap poors who didn't want to spend money on a taxed item.

At the 2019 Columbus Nov show there was a vendor backed up to me who had these solvent traps for sale and he even had "pass through" trap chambers AND the "closable end cap" even had an indexed dimple, dead center. LOL. Come man, WTF?
I used to wonder about the little guy walking the aisles of the shows with the battery powered blue light (ala K-Mart) on his backpack full of "solvent traps." I figured he was simply an ATF informant trying to entrap poors who didn't want to spend money on a taxed item.

At the 2019 Columbus Nov show there was a vendor backed up to me who had these solvent traps for sale and he even had "pass through" trap chambers AND the "closable end cap" even had an indexed dimple, dead center. LOL. Come man, WTF?

Look, there are people who actually WANT to have three hots and a cot at Uncle Sugar's expense.
Ebays sells them for less then $20 with dimples on the internals. Not even gonna try it. Going Thursday when im off work to file my form 1 and get the process started for a legal one.
Ok so I just ordered a savage Fv-SR and was talking to my cousin(yep everyone has that cousin) but this is a corporate professional. Lol. Anyways he took a “solvent can kit” and make a suppressor for his .22lr on a CZ 455 and says its as good as his high dollar ones on his other rifles. Anyone every used one before? He said he would put it together for him if i want.
yes. Everyone has THAT cousin. Mine gets out of prison in about ten more years....
No longer true.
The ATF, as of earlier this year, began denying form 1 solvent trap based submissions. From what I understand, If you submit a form one now, they require you lathe your own suppressor parts and virtually create it from scratch. They ask for pictures of your setup and all.

Don’t try it, lol. Just from 4.
So is owning a kit technically illegal tho?
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