Stupid things you did when you were a kid

I will go first, in the mid 70’s I was in the garage playing, and I found a bottle of coke in the wooden coke box and drank some, it wasn’t coke it was gas my brother used the coke bottle for the lawn mower gas, My mom snatched me up and took me to cobb General hospital, they gave me some milk and sent me home.
Good Lord I can't pick just one right this minute, my poor parents! And I mean I drove them crazy.They should have used the yardstick more. I shoulda had my sign a bunch of the time.
So how stupid and lucky is throwing a wine bottle of gas and a flaming rag too high so it hits a tree
limb,breaks dumps gas all over you and drops the flaming rag 3 ft. from you in a dry spot?
Or M 80's under police cars with 2 patrolmen?
Or BB gun wars and shoot at movement in the enemy fort and put a BB just under the eye of your brother? We put ice on it to numb it and then used a big refrigerator door magnet to help pull it out.Mom and Dad thought it was from a stick.
So many stories…
One of the funnier ones, as a kid I was throwing fireworks off the front porch onto the street in front of the house.
As it was around midnight, I guess a neighbor called the police. Just as I pitched one of the old silver TNTs out the door, a police car with lights out drove right under it.
Landed on the hood by the windshield and detonated. Two cops in the car, one got out and chewed me a new one, the other stayed in the car. I still bet he had a fresh pantload.
I was an angel as a kid :becky: which flowed over into my teens.

Riiiiiight, and if y’all believe that I got a bridge in Brooklyn NY I’ll sell ya. lol!

As adults, my two younger brothers and I would sometimes discuss things we'd gotten into as kids. Mom would only say in a tired voice, "Thank God I didn't know about that."

I find myself saying the same thing to my 39 & 41 year old sons, thank God they weren’t as wild as I was though because I came up in the 70’s. Don’t remember a lot about those years but I was there I assure you. lol!

Apparently gun powder don’t burn like it does in the cartoons.. pour a pile out and pour a line line off of it for 20 ft.. it don’t burn slow and easy so you can watch… poof it’s gone.. and singed my eyebrows

Lmao! When I was about 10-11 I was with a church group at some place I can’t recall where, but when we were exploring the woods we came up on a half buried full case of 7.62x51 blanks. Well, we split em’ all up and took em’ home with us. The next day while my Grandparents were gone to town I did the same thing you did. lol! Laid out a pile of powder about 6-8 inches in diameter and about 4-5 inches high in Pop’s garage and left a trail about 10 ft long. Lit that sucker and Whoosh POOF! All I could see for about an hour was a huge ball of white light except right around the edges. I don’t think Pop ever figured out how that black spot and line got on his garage floor but he sure was PISSED! lol!

Hell I probably would’ve been too if it hadn’t been for my Grandmother, she kept talking my Dad out of it till she just couldn’t anymore. My Dad was a Cop, he didn’t want me to end up in jail or dead so off to military school I went for two years. Didn’t really help much, I just learned a lot of new ways to get my ass in trouble. You know what they say about cops & preachers kids right? It’s mostly true, my best friend before I got shipped out was a preachers kid and we stayed in trouble all the time. lol!
When we were about 10 or so the neighborgood kids and I used to play snipers. We would all grab our BB guns and, with a “two pump limit” go play war in the wooded and tall grass area back of our property. Ya. We’d shoot each other like the trenches of Normandy. No face or eye protection, nothing. Well we’d pump the shat out of those daisy BB guns - forget the two pump limit. Finally somebody caught one in the forehead and when the parents found out, that was the end of that game.
We did that too, around the same age
Riiiiiight, and if y’all believe that I got a bridge in Brooklyn NY I’ll sell ya. lol!

I find myself saying the same thing to my 39 & 41 year old sons, thank God they weren’t as wild as I was though because I came up in the 70’s. Don’t remember a lot about those years but I was there I assure you. lol!

Lmao! When I was about 10-11 I was with a church group at some place I can’t recall where, but when we were exploring the woods we came up on a half buried full case of 7.62x51 blanks. Well, we split em’ all up and took em’ home with us. The next day while my Grandparents were gone to town I did the same thing you did. lol! Laid out a pile of powder about 6-8 inches in diameter and about 4-5 inches high in Pop’s garage and left a trail about 10 ft long. Lit that sucker and Whoosh POOF! All I could see for about an hour was a huge ball of white light except right around the edges. I don’t think Pop ever figured out how that black spot and line got on his garage floor but he sure was PISSED! lol!
That’s just what I did.. and I was grown man at that.. I didn’t know a lot bout gun powder back then just what I saw the coyote do on the roadrunner cartoons.. no body has ever said I was smart
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