What is love to you?

It's just one of those things you can't define until you experience it.
I'll never get over the loss of my parents nor would I want to. That to me would imply they mean less.
I've never lost a dog that didn't tear at me, regardless of how long I owned them. They are unique creatures indeed. The 2 we have now are the first we've had since they were 8 week old puppies. When those 2 go it's not going to be any fun around here for any of us. :grey:
Hang in there brother and when the time is right don't deprive another pup of your care. There's one waiting for sure.....

Just to keep things light :)
Love to me is my 5 & 4 year old daughters randomly hugging me and telling me I’m the best daddy.
Man this right here. Except my two boys. Nothing can hit me in the feels like that right there.

I'm pretty sure my dogs love me too but that's because I feed them.

I think my wife loves me somewhere close to as much as my dogs do, but maybe a hair below that line :lol:
A dog's loyalty and love is great, people/ family (hopefully) greater (especially grandkids!), and Jesus said that there was no love greater than the love demonstrated by one who lays their life down for a friend. He commands His followers to love each other as He loved us.
1. When you've been with each other so long that when one of you fart nobody gets offended.

2. When we age and can no longer take care of ourselves and either one steps in to do it. My wife and I have been married 21yrs but if she ever gets false teeth I'm hiding them.
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