Why do members hide their activity on the ODT?

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I’ve got my hands full (haha) running the Sweethert Felon competition.

You’re welcome to start the male version of it though!


Maybe lostchild lostchild can come up with a catchy name for it like he did with Sweetheart Felon.

I’d work “penal system” into the title somehow.

Besides, according to @sam1976, @fast306stang is the one who likes to "play cashier" with the boys.

Why yes, I do believe we are sailing into Brackish Waters, why do you ask?
Cause the fuzz is a creepin and you got to make their job harder! :pound:
I had a car for sale several years ago and had reduced the price one holiday weekend.
I jacked the price back up after the weekend.
Some broke ass comes along, wasting my time, and said "well it was cheaper last weekend". I said you are correct, it was on sale, but now it's not on sale any longer.

If I had told that idiot that I'd take $50.00 he would have to go somewhere and borrow the money.lol

Well try to take it a little easy as it takes all kinds of people to make up this world and a lot of them may not be as smart and sharp as you are, although I give you a pass being in Eatonton as that is where I began my formal education attending the first grade in Eatonton and that was before WWII!
i believe that OP should hit some of that sticky icky before loggin onto ODT. he seams bent outta shape. Also i dont hide my status because i dont care if other people see im on the site. Reason? Because im pretty sure none of the 50,000+ members of the site have ever said "I wonder were Dawgfan1988 is right now?"
I have.. I've often wondered where you are what might you be doing...im not weird or anything...does that make you feel weird...i hope not because I'd like to get together soon over a couple of Cocktails and just chat...does that seem like something you'd be Enterested in?
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