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Anyone paying attention to CT?

3% was the number at the beginning of the revoluton as I have stated here before. The majority wanted no part of breaking away as an independant nation. I would hope that 3% of us would do the same today. Conn. is ready to explode. All it would take is someone to start shooting and all hell will break loose....from either side. The Conn. paper is fanning the politicians flames taunting them to go get 'em! They are illegal by your new law. The ones that did not register in time are out of compliance and the state knows where to go confiscate them from. Seems like they were not going to use this "registration " for confiscation but 3 days later they are discussing it openly. There are supposedly 325,000 gun owners in Conn. but only 35,000 registered. Would you want to go kicking in doors? Conn. citizens are waiting for the next move. They are doing what they said they would do. Defy, Resist and Evade. I can't wait until April 15th! That is the deadline for New York and 60 some odd counties are passing laws to prevent it but that will not stop Cuomo and company! The longer this goes the bigger it will explode. If we fail to make a stand here the gun grabbers WILL not stop until every state adopts this legislation. You can bet your 401k on that my friends!

It's truly sad its come to this. I honestly hope this will open the eyes of some of the sheep. They won't stop with "assault weapons". This is a soft test run. Wait and see what happens if we do not stand our ground. This fight is not just Connecticut and New York. The fight is for every American and every state. They won't be happy until we are disarmed.

There are leaders and there are followers. I sincerely hope we, the people never have to exercise the second amendment as it was set in place for. Really! We should exhaust all reasonable measures to convince the political leadership that our constitution the bill of rights is the foundation that serves our free nation. To ignore it is to it's demise.

In my experience, men and women who you thought would never aspire to anything useful or no less just marginal performers have in the face of adversity, have risen to the challenge and inspired all those around them. It's the human spirit that inspires. The American spirit of independence still exist.

It takes but only a spark, 3% it is said. I hope to never see this nor my children see this. If we are proactive it will not. Yes there will be a struggle, a waxing and waning of political positioning but if we as a group verbalize our concerns then disaster could be averted. Sit on your ass and complain, not contacting your elected representatives will lead us quickly to that which I hope is to be averted.

A small loud group can get much accomplished. It happened with (alcohol) prohibition and it has happened/happening with unconstitutional gun regulation. Understanding the method (required steps) of effective implementation of such regulation is the first step in preventing it.

ignoring an unconstitutional law is the first step of independence. In ignoring it, those sacrificed, will rally those who were unsure until a crap storm of angry citizens change the process of governance. I hope it never comes to this.....

There is a quote I have embraced through my years, perhaps another might find it worthy of repeating some day, for the critics....

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Registration serves only one true purpose, it has no honest impact on crime, it never has nor ever will.
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I agree with you RamRoddoc, I pray that we never have to see this in our lifetime. If you had told me 20 years ago what is happening today with these gungrabbing idiots I would have laughed at you and shook my head. As I look into the future I don't see any relief from this tyranny. I have joined several pro gun groups and voted in indivduals that supposedly support the same views I have but it still continues to get worse. Where is the NRA in Connecticut? They should be rallying ALL of America to go to Connecticut and protest this unconstitutional law. They aren't doing that at all so I, like others, are waiting quietly in civil disobedience to see what happens next. We still have our guns so we can still vote. It is a sad day for our entire nation but one that has been coming for a very long time. The quote you stated is from Teddy Roosevelt by the way. Sounds to me like he knew what he was talking about and had been there and done that!
The quote you stated is from Teddy Roosevelt by the way. Sounds to me like he knew what he was talking about and had been there and done that!

Teddy did more in less time than most could ever hope for in several lifetimes. He lead from the front. He rallied the people for what was right.
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Hey, it was a good run while it lasted (which is longer than they assumed.)
Point to ONE thing in recent history in this country that suggests it will be anything other than a roll over and a complete and decisive bulldozing and I'll GLADLY "keep hope alive". You really REALLY think the people of this country are prepared for armed revolt for FREEDOM in this country? GWL holders? Seriously?
The people of Kiev, have lived in, their parents have lived it, this is life for them and they understand the costs and benefits. Most of the current generation here doesn't know life before American Idol.

And in the beginning, there was Studdard, Reuben Studdard.
Yeah if I'm not mistaken it's at a United nations building

OK, so what the hell is it supposed to stand for? I know I am behind, and I am ashamed of my lack of knowledge on some subjects, but the CT thing has really bothered me and the different points of view I am getting in this thread is really opening my eyes more.
OK, so what the hell is it supposed to stand for? I know I am behind, and I am ashamed of my lack of knowledge on some subjects, but the CT thing has really bothered me and the different points of view I am getting in this thread is really opening my eyes more.

It means they want to disarm the citizens of the world lol
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