Are there any alternatives to Window 10 out there?


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Sep 21, 2014
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Central GA
We are looking to buy a new computer later this year.
Are there any options to Windows 10?

But not really looking for Mac...

What are the downsides for those of you that run Windows 10?
If you know Unix then Linux is an alternative... otherwise no so much.

If you are used to Windows then Win 10 is probably the best bet for you. It's not horrible, although it does make everything harder to do than it was in Win 7 (the last solid Windows IMHO).

One thing I would suggest is looking up how to delay updates as long as possible. You can't turn them off with a retail license, but you can postpone them by 30 days or so right from the Settings applet, and that will save you a world of grief.

Most Win 10 problems are due to updates, and most of those are resolved after a while. If you can make sure your aren;t the first to get fed the dog food Win 10 updates have become it makes your life a lot easier.
We are looking to buy a new computer later this year.
Are there any options to Windows 10?

But not really looking for Mac...

What are the downsides for those of you that run Windows 10?

What do you want to do with it? Chromebooks are an option for moderate computing needs.
i work on my all day long. I wear out a computer in about 2 years.

Just bought a new one with Windows 10 installed. it's terrible.

It's really hard to load Goggle Chrome, and I work with programs that work best on Chrome.

Office 365 (Excel, Word, Powerpoint) is a nightmare, Everything is stored on the "cloud". You have no way to option out.

I wish I could go back to Windows 7 but my computer experts tell me there is no way.

If the programs I jave to use could run on Linux, I would switch in a heartbeat. Mac isn't an option.

Don't know what to tell you to do, expect bend over and take it.
I run Windows 10 with Windows 7 overlay. Much more user friendly.

Using settings tweaks like this?

The only problem there is that if you have to Google the answer to a problem everything is in the wrong place. I've run across that just between the various 'feature' upgrades in Win 10.

As one of the posters mentioned above, your 'need' for Windows really depends on what you doing. If it's just web-apps then maybe a Chromebook might be the answer. If you have only a couple of well supported apps then a 'friendly' Linux or Mac with an emulator might work OK.

If you do need or want Windows though, Win 10 is really the only game in town. Win 7/8 will go off support soon, and without patches a Windows system is wide open to being hacked. Not 'if' but 'when'. Plus, all the device drivers being shipped these days for any kind of peripheral will be Win 10.
I use OSX on an apple computer and buy a new one ever 10 to 15 years.

I have to have a PC for work that gets occasional use. I buy thinkpads running the latest Microsoft Virus errrr I mean OS. I buy a new one every year.

PCs are garbage and the cost of ownership is 5 times that of an Apple product.
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