Bloodhound puppy. Guys I have a problem. Thank you guys problem fixed.

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Yeah, sounds like short-man syndrome. You should thump the little guys and dare them to try it again. It's old school, but a rolled up newspaper would probably really get their attention. Don't make it too heavy and don't roll it very tight. You're looking for abruptness of action and sound, not heavy impact.
The other dogs don't fear the consequences of misbehaving. Up the consequences until they do.

Also don't forget to reward them when they do play nice, that is just as important as punishment.

When me and my fiancee moved in together she had a large German shepherd (Lake) and I had Thor. Both alpha males used to being the center of attention in their respective households.

I made them sleep side by side together in separate kennels for about two weeks.
They got used to each other and are best friends now.

Only got in one serious fight over a squeaky toy, and they learned that day that fighting each other just means they're both getting a ass whooping from me.

The day they met

Been downstairs all morning with him and I got onto the other dogs pretty good. Now they are backing off. I think it'll be Ok. :)
Hope it works out. I believe dogs want to please you more than people would think. Hopefully you being displeased and harshly showing will do it. Good luck!
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