BOS......WHY ?

The thing about a bill of sale is that it makes you look like a REASONABLE person, taking REASONABLE precautions.
Sure, there's no law that says you have to do it.
But sometimes, depending on the circumstances of the case and what that gun's history is or the history of the other party to the deal, the LACK of any bill of sale could be evidence that you willingly participated in a crime, and the PRESENCE of a bill of sale is evidence that you did the right thing and just got unlucky with a bad gun or a bad buyer/seller on the other end of the deal.

Circumstantial evidence is almost always the ONLY kind of evidence that proves mens rea-- guilty mind (criminal intent).
I believe the same thing applies when you have a pm stream indicating you want to buy the "choppa", will meet at a time and place and pay (close to) market price for it. Standing outside the "Stop & Rob" pawn shop and a tweaker offers you a Colt 6600 in box for $300? You deserve what you may get.
And I quote you "With all the new members, there needs to be at least one good BOS thread a week.:fish2:"

I know what I said, but you can't fix stupid so a BOS thread will not fix the old members who demand a BOS, but could educate the new.

Ok. Old member creates thread, about useless BOS.
New members see thread.
New member reads thread.
New member comprehends thread.
Old members comment on thread.
New members comment on thread.
New members see captdave77 video clip.
New members see the light.

All those insisting on BOS, slide on over to IGORE.
BOS expectations are noted in every ODT listing.
Never had a BOS issue with a ODT member myself. Maybe others do.
I don't offer one or expect one when completing a listed deal with a fellow member.
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