Can we get an option to auto-ignore persons with negative feedback?

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99% of the 500 on my ignore list have 0 negative feedback.... just saying
Wow, that be like…

The only people I have on ignore are the ones that find a way to bring politics and/or race into every thread. Got one now that will most likely be added before the end of the year.

As far as trades and doing business........ You may hate Walmart for a number of reasons. But if you are out of toilet paper and can not get it anywhere else you will stand in line to buy as long as you have to.
The only people I have on ignore are the ones that find a way to bring politics and/or race into every thread post. Got one now that will most likely be added before the end of the year.

As far as trades and doing business........ You may hate Walmart for a number of reasons. But if you are out of toilet paper and can not get it anywhere else you will stand in line to buy as long as you have to.
Who really cares who you ignore - I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. I don't ignore anyone...not a one...because I'll defend my beliefs, and it's good knowing who thinks what..
Yeah it's bad but, it is due to the scalper flippers who jacked up prices and locked their ad! This was before the site auto locked all ads unless the box gets unchecked. It happens to be a box most don't see.
That's have to make sure to uncheck that feature when posting an ad when it really should be the other way around.
The only people I have on ignore are the ones that find a way to bring politics and/or race into every thread. Got one now that will most likely be added before the end of the year.

As far as trades and doing business........ You may hate Walmart for a number of reasons. But if you are out of toilet paper and can not get it anywhere else you will stand in line to buy as long as you have to.
Not when Walmart makes up store hours as they go, and shut down while I'm in such line without giving any reason
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