Caught a carload of females trying to steal from my mailbox

Yes, I was OC my G19 in a Hume OWB @ 4o'clock, so they probably didn't even see it.

Should have gone all felony traffic stop on their asses and proned them out til the cops got there. Citizen's muthaf***ing arrest y'all! :D

Seriously though, the cop was right. If more people watched out for their neighbors and neighborhoods we'd have less crime. And less Trayvon's.
I grew up in Snellville in the '70s and '80s. I'd hate to live there now. Maybe you can get a P.O. Box and place a motion activated game trail camera inside your mailbox.

South of 78 is where all the crap is. Brookwood area has still managed to stay nice. I guess because the houses are higher income.

I grew up in the Stone Mtn/Parkview after moving here as a child. Talk about MAJOR changes.
The real shame is it is/was a nice subdivision. The houses are newer, and spacious. The values have plummeted and the HOA does nothing to help the situation. Houses w/ cars everywhere. Leaking oil all over driveways and curbside. 3,4-5 or more cars at one residence w/ what I guess is a dozen habitants. Some of the places seem that full at least.

As far as I can tell, all they do is collect their fees and send out notices about lawn and weeds getting overgrown. Yes, I'm guilty of it but the lawn is looking real thick and full this year :) No more notices.
But I thought they would keep a handle (or try) on these situations.
I keep hearing Ola is good. Secluded and peaceful is all we want.
I moved to Morrow just after Southlake was built and it was great! Graduated in 79 and I refuse to even visit someone there now!!!!! I love it out here in the dogs roam free, I shoot off my back porch whenever the urge hits me and its quiet, I will never move to the city again. Wife has a chance to get an Administators job for a hospice in Ptree City but I said HELL NO!!!!
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