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caution you are being recorded

"Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence"

Sir Robert Peel
"Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence"

Sir Robert Peel

Thats a good quote brother. What people say and how they say it can and will tell you alot about a person. Tells me you take pride in your work and that you are more than likely a pretty damn good police officer.

Thank you for your service.
My first Chief said, on my first day. "All I ask is that you come in and be professional every day".

Thirteen years later, after one Federal lawsuit, many, many complaints that have been proven false. I take measures to protect my family and my self from this lawsuit happy world.

I know where that line is, its written on a single piece of paper. I try to be fair, I don't write speeding unless they are 18 over, no equipment violations, but I have a job to do. If your drunk, stupid, stealing, robbing, beating your wife, try kill me, some one else or threaten my family. You're a@@ is going to jail.

I am not a "warm and fuzzy" kinda guy. Been night shift, traffic cop too long. It's about finding a balance. Spending time with the Family and going to Church.

Then I get on the ODT and all that’s down hill ! I attempt to re-trade my collection every night ;-)
1. I guess i never knew that leo had personnel mounted cams.

2. So why is that when some leo see people recording them they freak out. We have all seen the lady on her yard "disobeying a legal order to go inside". I am also highly suspicious that leo would ever turn over video that would exonerate someone. As stated before these videos always seem to "disappear". I was told by a prosecutor that it was his job to get a conviction. I said what about the truth. Then i was told it was the defending attorney's job to get me off. Nice system we have. Anyway. Here i am,i innocent, after over a year and thousands of dollars.

3. As i have said before i was raised to believe in the government and law enforcement. Having been in the system, not so much anymore. The only people out there looking out for you? Is you.

As for my part i have found yes sir and no sir to be very useful in dealing with the police. I got nothing to hide. I have preached this to my kids as well. If the officer wants to search the car then no problem sir. My kids understand the environment that a police officer works in every day. Never make him/her feel uneasy. Its worked well for me and my family. The kids know that if they mess with a cop they better be deep in a jail before i find out. Maybe that's why my youngest is looking into the field. Respect cuts 2 ways.
1. I guess I never knew that LEO had personnel mounted cams.

2. So why is that when some LEO see people recording them they freak out. We have all seen the lady on her yard "disobeying a legal order to go inside". I am also highly suspicious that LEO would ever turn over video that would exonerate someone. As stated before these videos always seem to "disappear". I was told by a prosecutor that it was his job to get a conviction. I said what about the truth. Then I was told it was the defending attorney's job to get me off. Nice system we have. Anyway. Here I am,I innocent, after over a year and THOUSANDS of dollars.

3. As I have said before I was raised to believe in the government and law enforcement. Having been in the system, not so much anymore. The only people out there looking out for you? IS YOU.

1. Some do and some don't.

2. Very few these days freak out, these camera phones are EVERYWHERE and I could care less. The more angles the better for me when some false claim against me is filed and they have some investigation. Further, I have ZERO control of my recordings both audio and visual. They are uploaded to a secure hard drive that I have no access too. Times have changed man, and besides, I truly don't mind, I genuinely treat people the right way.
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