Classic wheel gun porn....

Well here is something I don’t often do but I acquired some aftermarket grips and I think they are really growing on me.

Featured on a 66-3 3” with Nill grips

A friend messaged me the other day and told me he had a nice model 60 and he thought I would be interested. So I said sure to send over some pictures. Of course, it happened to be one of the Jovino 3in run with the box and I couldn't pass it up need to pull out my other and hoping they might be consecutive serials fingers crossed.

Side note I found it interesting the original owner put it on consignment and if he didn't get this he would have gotten a No dash 686 2-1/2" both great choices haha I bet the 686 had factory combats but strange to think he would pick a model 60 first.

Anyway, here she is pretty sweet!

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