Could you turn off your phone and walk away from the internet

I can't wait to disappear digitally when I retire. Other than family, I don't want to be distracted/bothered. Due to work I'm on my phone/PC way to much, 7 days a week. I do surf the net and watch the news on the TV. My screen time disgusts me and I believe it's a major factor that effects most of society and not in a positive way. I want no tv, no computer and a dumb phone.
If we could only go back to mailing letters and correspondence, pay phones, reading maps to navigate, etc. Happy working people are................ just happy. More technology, more stuff, more money than enough doesn't make people "happier", it makes us slaves. The bombardment of corporations using technology that are trying to shape our priorities every waking moment so we use their products and services is really overwhelming. You used to be able to throw junk mail in the garbage, or not answer the door to solicitors. Now we are attacked on all fronts from master manipulators of life, and they use technology to do it.

I could ditch it all right now, and be better for it.
I used to say that the majority of my phone use was work related. I do have people call me for work related stuff during work hours and off. I had to get honest with myself that while that is true most of mine is simple boredom. I cant get anything done because Im scrolling. Oddly I get on to my son all the time to get his head out of his @#$ and do something. Its normally the things we dislike the most about ourselves that bother us about others.
If I had views like this yearRound, I wouldn’t be here near as much. probably?
My Paw In Law still has a Lot of HAM radio stuff we used before ODT?
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