Experimenting with appendix carry

When I IWB (which is admitadly non frequent) the ONLY one I use is a Vanguard from Raven Concealment.
SUPER secure, lightweight, as minimal as you can safely get, and it will help with the mental aspect of it as you need to attatch the holster before you put it in the waistband.
Here are some links:

I have tried a lot of the different aiwb holsters. Some of then”big names” I have used are black point tactical,t Rex arms, stealth gear,and tier1 concealed. No doubt the tier1 is the BEST! Whatever you get, a claw is a must for concealing and better purchase on draw. Tier1 is Best in comfort, concealment, and overall functionality. My first tier1 was an agis with detachable mag caddy. I now run the axis slim (a tier1 holster) that is made for active lifestyle. You can wear this for any and every day to day activity. Flex point makes it more comfortable and conforming and it’s not as wide as others. I prefer the mag caddy and pistol together for Aiwb in one holster with 2 clips to mount to belt. This is for more stability as well as a more evenly distributing of weight and...more pew pew
And for those wondering “HoW dO YoU SiT?” Here goes... Aim with your butt and bend at the knees. Pretty simple. A lot of folks slam aiwb based on assumption and crap holsters. A big help is having your belt buckle to the side for comfort and concealment So ya don’t have a big bulge with the buckle on top of Kydex holster
Lost just enough of the fat gut to make appendix carry possible. So I’m experimenting with it. It’s comforable physically- but still not comfortable mentally. Don’t like where it points.

You guys that carry this way- any holster recommendations ? any other ideas or ways to make this more physically comfortable ? The mental part- I just got to get over.

In regards to more physically comfortable. I find that having and undershirt (not a loose one but form fitting like an A-shirt) is much more comfy for carry as the holster and pistol grip don’t rub on your skin and drawing is more smooth
Honestly the mental thing as someone stated will always be there when you’re using the holster. While it’s holstered you shouldn’t be worried as long as it’s not a super modified firearm. For me the T-Rex arms sidecar was the first and only holster I’ve used with AIWB. The Tier 1 Axis is an awesome holster but I’ve got multiple sidecars and there’s no reason to switch. Lastly best piece of advice is always carry the most gun that’s comfortable for you. Don’t follow the hype for Roland special type firearms if you’re not going to wear it all the time.
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