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I did a good, clean finishing shot and she gave out the death twitch.

I didn't think that any one was contesting my opinion. I think that we all agree that if someone is in your house you are going to defend yourself. The normal protocol is to stop the threat. Now how would one stop the threat, shoot until the other person can't do harm back to you. (Normally this would mean dead.) While I do not think this guy was right at all, the result would have been the same if these two teens had broken into my house, there would be two very dead teens. Now had my gun malfunctioned would I have gone for a back up, sure. Would I have executed them NO WAY. I think this is where the problem lies and I don't wish to defend him, but I just want to understand what is truly going on.

Some are stating if they were the father of this teen girl that they would be upset and seeking death penalty. I'm sorry but that make no sense, if you defend the right to defend your home. All the bullets I own are lethal if used to that extent.

I am only attempting to get into the mindset of this man. It has been pointed out that he was broken into twice before, and it was believed that the same teens were involved. I do not know if he was home during this time, but if he was, did he call the police? If he did what was the outcome? Obviously the police didn't put a stop to these individuals. So, while it is wrong for the guy not to have called the police and to act in such a way, it is understandable if he had called in the past to write them off as unable to help him. When you are defenseless you will do anything! This is my thought on the matter, it doesn't make it right, it's just a fact. Think about The Christmas Story where Ralph beats up the bully, he lost complete control, because he felt defenseless.
Couple of dead criminal drug addicts. No loss. Mommy and daddy should have raised them better. They probably would have turned into murderers and rapists anyways starting out that young.
We will never know exactly what happened or how it happened but if they were incapacitated and he stood over them and executed them then he is a psycho. The thought of standing over someone out of commission and finishing them with a shot to the head at 12" is sickening. Teenage girl or anybody else. It is thug. It is evil. It is murder. Not saying that burglars don't deserve what they get when they break in but they were down and in no position to do any harm. At that point he should have called police and kept watch until they arrived. I don't understand what went through his head when he decided "well, I better put 'em out of their misery..." Like some kind of animal.
Maybe the rest of the criminals in the world will see this as an example of what might happen if they decide to break into YOUR home.

I have been watching this case, Man, This guy is one evil SOB. If he isn't convicted of first degree murder there is no justice. If this were my daughter, I would without a doubt kill this SOB no matter what happened to me. These type people will do irreparable harm to gun rights and self defense

You'd kill the guy that killed your daughter...while your daughter was breaking into his home? Really?
Maybe. I have been robbed before, 4 years ago. I wasn't home but if I had been I would have shot to kill. If I did not kill them but they were completely incapacitated I would hold them at gun point and call the police. I agree that burglars get what they get and I have no remorse but I also find it completely out of line to kill someone who is not posing a threat. Both parties were wrong.
The execution thing was a little over the top. But, play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

the execution this is way over the top

other than that ya i agree. the home owner should have called police, waited, and if they did come to him he should have shot them. his mistake is not calling the police and executing them
You'd kill the guy that killed your daughter...while your daughter was breaking into his home? Really?
I would kill the guy that executed my daughter that broke into his home....executed her AFTER he shot her once and she was on the floor, clearly no longer a threat(according to the story). You bet your ass I would kill him. If you support this you are a psycho too, IMO. A sane individual dosent "put someone out of their misery" that dosent present a threat.
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