IMPORTANT DECISION =Carry at Atlanta Botanical Garden - no can do says GA. Ct. of Appeals.

Doesn't really matter how he was carrying though. In fact if this was a test case I'd say it was one of the few times open carry made sense.

I know GA Carry has been dealing with this for years. This ruling means the 'guns everywhere' law wasn't quite up to snuff legally. I guess we'll see if there are any amendments next session. There's no reason this can't be fixed, so long as folks let their reps know they are interested in having that happen.
You can't show up on privately controlled property openough carrying like a wanna be cowboy. Maybe they should dress up like cowboy action shooters and twirl their revolvers to make sure everyone knows they are packing heat and don't care if you know.
If you rent an apartment or business location from a municipal government. You control who has access, and what they bring onto the premisis. Nothing new here.
Except that the law is that unless you have guards and metal detectors your silly no guns sign is unenforceable. They can ask you to leave if they see it
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