Movie theater guns allowed

Im wondering why they would give up the advantage of surprise. Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should. And even though I support the right to do it, I think its pointless and impolite.

I will start this by saying, this is more of a DA thing, I don't care if you conceal carry, I believe that you should carry in whatever way that makes you feel comfortable. The important thing is carrying, everyone should carry, not whether you carry concealed or openly.

With that out of the way,

Gosh these comments are priceless, impolite? Advantage of surprise (So you want to shoot someone, rather than not having an interaction at all?)?

Since when did the mere sight of a gun become impolite?

Here is a favorite quote from my old home forum, by an 2A Attorney (IN's Version of ODT)

"Indiana became a state in 1816. In 1820 concealed carry was prohibited with the exception granted from traveling. From 1820 to 1935 concealed carry was illegal in Indiana.

After Southern immigration into Indiana created problems in that Southerners brought their culture of rough and rowdy weekend behaviour north of the Ohio, places such as Speedway, Indiana banned concealed carry.

Concealed carry has traditionally been viewed as the behaviour of the low-life, shifty man. Concealed carry was banned in many states, including Indiana, as only criminals concealed their weapons. An honest man carried openly as he no had criminal intentions, unlike those shifty concealed carriers.

My question for you, fw, why the fascination with the carry method of no accounts--concealed carry? " - Kirk Freeman
It is just one of the biggest tragedies really, that you were once able to carry and own weapons, although it was seen as dishonest and shifty to carry your weapons concealed. It was actually illegal to carry a firearm in this manner for well over a hundred years! And then all of the sudden, they start enacting laws (Adopting provisions from the Uniform Firearms Act in the 1930s) requiring licenses, and many areas (with high African American populations), required a good reason to be provided to be able to obtain that license. Effectively disarming that segment of our population. And then you fast forward, and somehow, we have turned into good little sheep, happy to pay for a GWL,LTCH,CPL, etc viewing those that don't as criminals. Somehow, even though carrying concealed was illegal and sketchy in the past, now, open carrying is impolite? Really?

Can any of you who share that sentiment, explain to me in a well thought out manner, why this change was appropriate and why you support it? I would like to hear from you, because it's something that I see often and it bothers me every time.
Thomas S Thomas S

Something that may upset a person is impolite if it is "EASILY" avoided.

French kissing my wife in church is impolite but, I see no signs that I should not. I cant think of a scripture atm that would condemn me to Hell for it. Take it home.

Id rather not have my 5 year old grand daughter watch two people of the same sex making out on a park bench. I believe thats impolite. Get a room

Its very easy to toss a shirt over a pistol. Id go as far to say its ridiculously easy with extremely little effort to cover a pistol. It may print slightly but most people will never notice.

So in my opinion if anyone wishes to show off their right to own a gun. More power to you. Hunting or field walking is different...It doesn't change my opinion thats its removes any tactical advantage you have unless you're a law officer, Its probably someone that feels like showing off his gun penis, It reminds me of what some people think of the South and Gun owners. Its impolite toward young children that may be scared, impolite to little old ladies that might be scared, impolite to store employees that might be scared, ect....

I'll answer it before you ask, what some people see the South/ Gun owners as. Watch TV or the movies.

I sit by my wifes work and Im privileged to see @zz hats drive buy in 4x4 jacked up 3 feet, equipt with train horns and dont tread on me flags, yelling like drunken monkeys. I would much rather have that stereotype changed. However, people keep feeding that image to the media. And the anti gun media love sticking that label on gun owners as azzbackwards uneducated hillbillies that like strapping on ARs to go mall shopping.

Other than "Its my right" or "because I can" there is no valid reason for a non impaired adult to flash a lethal device besides to stop a bad person.

Its not 1820, women wear less clothes at the beach than they sleep in. Kids faces have more metal in them than my car radio and there isnt anything you can not find online. For better or worse, Doc Holiday days have gone bye bye. Say hello to the terrorist. You dont have to agree but, its how I feel.

I have nothing against GA,the South, Flags,Trucks or Firearms. I was Baptized in a Georgia church, own GA property, F150, American flags and guns.
Feel free to replace the word scared with fearful or uncomfortable if you think it sounds better. I primarily cover my pistol because I dont want bad guys to know I have it. As a bonus, I dont upset people in "No Gun" zones, anti gun nuts, police or the average grandma. People that carry openly will probably be the first targets so I always welcome a few in my area.
Good post MaconGuns.

The "element" of surprise is so a bad guy doesn't know you have a gun. If you are open carrying and a gang of thugs come in to rob a bank, you will be the first person they target, much like they get the security guard first. If you are concealed, you have the option to not engage and or wait until you see an opening to engage. I do not object to open carry, but I think there are different situations where it is a good idea and a bad idea.

Building on MGs comments. Some folks are terrified of guns, grant it is a false, TV, liberal, gun grabber built up fear, but they have it. Why flash it in there face? Some people are offended by you carrying, grant I agree, it is stupid, but they are. I am offended by 2 guys holding hands in public or kissing. If you are straight, wouldn't it offend you if they kissed right in front of you? Wouldn't you be offended if a Muslim burned an American Flag in front of you? Sometimes we should be sensitive to those around us whether we agree with their fear/objection or not. It is just being courteous to your fellow Americans.

Do I believe I have the right to carry my firearm everywhere I go, concealed or openly. Absolutely. Do I? No, I exercise discretion.

However, I can say in the last couple of years, I have seen more open carry in my town than ever before. It seems that people are becoming more comfortable with it and maybe this trend will continue and there won't be as many fearful or offended people in the future.

You know, there are countries where we could not have this discussion on an open forum. God bless America!!


Tactical Advantage? Are there thousands of incidents out there that involve open carriers being gunned down in the streets and in convenience stores? You will find very few of such incidents, and very few reported incidents where an open carrier was credited with deterring a crime. Why? Because of the simple fact that you will never know, since it didn't happen. Why do you need a tactical advantage? I hear often people like you making comments about showing off, having a gun-penis, etc. But what if I said, you carry concealed, hoping for the chance to use it, while others carry openly so they never have to shoot anyone? Like I said in my first post, there isn't anything wrong with carrying concealed, and I'm not trying to convince people to carry openly, but why do you need to try to treat people like crap for the method in which they carry?

Those are some seriously messed up examples

Would it offend me if I watched two men hold hands or kiss? Nope why in the world should it? Both of you used examples which just show your bigotry.

R rosewood you exercise discretion as to where you carry, even concealed? The goal is to be armed all of the time, you do realize the one time in your life you may need that firearm, is the one time you decided to exercise discretion, right?

But again, neither of you answered my question. You both, like quite a few concealed carry advocates like to act like open carriers are detrimental show-offs, yet...

Why was concealed carry outlawed for over 100+ years
Why was it only common for criminals and low life shifty people to conceal their weapons?
When the government introduced licensing legislation, in order to disarm the poor and minorities... somehow.. carrying turned into a privilege, rather than a right. Now, concealed carry is not only permitted, there are folks like you that somehow evolved to view it as the only acceptable way to carry. The honest people turned into "show offs" and many people adopted the method of carry of the criminals? At what point in time did our society take that turn?
Like I said in the beginning, the goal is for people to carry, in whatever manner they feel comfortable with. Gun owners that go around bashing people for carrying openly are detrimental to the entire right. The same people who are proud of having to obtain a GWL, the same people who believe others should be required to obtain training, the same people who believe the government should be able to take the right away from certain people.

I guess where the difference is, is that you are probably a far right conservative , and it shows. Conservatives often hold very good ideals, but are too focused on their way being the only right way, too focused on forcing people to be what they feel, is normal. While I believe in leaving everyone the hell alone, stop turning rights into privileges through licencing, stop being bigoted.

But the main thing I would like to hear, is an answer to my question about our history. And no, It's not 1820 anymore isn't a well thought out and educated response. I would like to discuss why you think this change was appropriate and why it happened?

By the way, I carry openly and concealed. I carry openly in certain situations, and concealed in others. I will carry openly when shopping when the business either welcomes it or has no policy, if I'm just going to the gas pump, walking the dog, fishing, etc. I will carry concealed when I go somewhere that does not allow firearms, or where carrying openly may either be not appropriate or dangerous due to the amount of people in such close proximity.

Tactical Advantage? Are there thousands of incidents out there that involve open carriers being gunned down in the streets and in convenience stores? You will find very few of such incidents, and very few reported incidents where an open carrier was credited with deterring a crime. Why? Because of the simple fact that you will never know, since it didn't happen. Why do you need a tactical advantage? I hear often people like you making comments about showing off, having a gun-penis, etc. But what if I said, you carry concealed, hoping for the chance to use it, while others carry openly so they never have to shoot anyone? Like I said in my first post, there isn't anything wrong with carrying concealed, and I'm not trying to convince people to carry openly, but why do you need to try to treat people like crap for the method in which they carry?

This discussion pops every 3 or 4 months, and the folks opposed to open carry detail how criminal masterminds will seek out and kill anyone open carrying.

The truth is that Ocean 11 is a movie -- in real life, the hopped up, meth driver criminal is focused on getting in, getting the money, and getting out as quickly as possible. They have tunnel vision. They aren't canvassing the crowd, or doing a Clint Eastwood analysis over who to shoot first.

I don't advocate open carry, just because it is mostly a PITA - I like my pocket pistols better. But the truth is the risk of the criminal mastermind identifying you in a crowd of people is ridiculously low to non-existent.

I note that in the gun stores where the employees are allowed to carry, they carry openly -as you point out, the goal is deterrence, not protection.
I can remember when you didn't need a permit to open carry. If you were a businessman or were carrying large amounts of cash, you could carry in a holster. I carried a .38 when I was a kid (16) to go to the bank to buy tax stamps for cigarettes at the wholesale company where I worked.

I sometimes open carry and it hasn't a thing to do with projecting my tallywhacker (itself a dangerous weapon). I'm carrying how I am comfortable and in the circumstances where I deem it appropriate. I mostly carry concealed now though and have been since 2007.

When open carrying, I have had strangers come up to me at the supermarket and say, "Thanks for carrying, I feel safer when you guys are around."
Exactly, and tunnel vision is also the reason why someone may not even notice a uniformed officer in the convenience store with them (funny video from a few years back!). It's just mind boggling to me that people think open carriers are just getting slaughtered left and right. The convenience store robber is either going to be one with tunnel vision that goes straight for the clerk, or a cautious one who waits outside until there aren't any customers. Most robbers don't enter and start immediately shooting customers, most actually would prefer to not shoot anyone.

Carrying is the most important part, in whatever method is comfortable for you, which results in you carrying more often and hopefully always.

I've had similar experiences palmettomoon palmettomoon . Most people don't even notice, or don't care.

Pocket pistols are nice, it's hot here in GA and not wearing a belt, and losing that extra weight does make you feel a lot better.
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