My childhood gun collection.. The rarest you will fine.

How about breaking the heads off wooden matches , stuff them in a empty 22 shell and whack em with a hammer,, no wonder im hard of hearing
Pine cones made good hand grenades,, well they did till I hit my sister with a green one, it was a no grenade zone after that
ewe used osage oranges (hedge apples) hard and gooy inside and we would aim for the head or the crotch..drop like rocks LOL
When I was 11 or 12, the "spy" TV series started. I Spy, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Of course the "Bond, James Bond" movies were out and well just about everyone became a fan of the "spies". There were no tactical guns, so a cowboy gun with a band aid on the barrel was a "silencer". Hahahahaha! Dang man, it was fun!
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