New ad for banning "Assualt Clips"

Guys, you live in America, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the land of.....compromise. So they want to ban 33rd mags. Let them. Let them make people "feel" safer and let the politicians feel like they're doing they're job. I'll give up 33rd mags for a handgun, aren't they really just nice-to-haves at this point anyhow? Yes, there are principles involved, but we are politics-driven and if you want a voice, you have to play the game. Now if they said let's make ARs 10rd max, then that's a different story. In this situation though, let them pull the wool over people's eyes once again. The next Jared Loughner will simply switch from a Glock to an AR. This is about as logical as limiting cars to 20-gallon tanks and pretending it's going to help the environment. It's idiotic.

Then the next ban involves high-cap AR mags, with nothing over 10 rounds allowed. Then they ban all semi-auto rifles, because being able to shoot 10 rounds in 10 seconds is not useful for anything but killing lots of people.

This kind of thinking is exactly the wrong way to view things.
You're relaxed attitude about our rights is concerning

YES IT IS! if you dont wanna own 33 round mags then thats your choice. I like them. I dont want people telling me what I can and cant buy. Once you ban the mags... the guns are next. I could care LESS if the politicians feel they are doing their job. Insted of worrying about what mags I have in my gun how bout they worry about the retarded gas prices and the jacked up taxes!
:/ ....Never ending, also funny how they picked a little girl,college student, an elderly person for targets......Any of you ever went to a range an saw those targets for sell?....I swear....
Then the next ban involves high-cap AR mags, with nothing over 10 rounds allowed. Then they ban all semi-auto rifles, because being able to shoot 10 rounds in 10 seconds is not useful for anything but killing lots of people.

This kind of thinking is exactly the wrong way to view things.

Then they ban all handguns. Then they ban your scoped bolt action deer rifle because it is a "sniper rifle." Then they ban lever action rifles with magazines. Then they ban shotguns with magazines. Then they come for your fancy double barrels. Then you are left with nothing and you are now a slave, not a citizen.
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Guys, you live in America, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the land of.....compromise. So they want to ban 33rd mags. Let them. Let them make people "feel" safer and let the politicians feel like they're doing they're job. I'll give up 33rd mags for a handgun, aren't they really just nice-to-haves at this point anyhow? Yes, there are principles involved, but we are politics-driven and if you want a voice, you have to play the game. Now if they said let's make ARs 10rd max, then that's a different story. In this situation though, let them pull the wool over people's eyes once again. The next Jared Loughner will simply switch from a Glock to an AR. This is about as logical as limiting cars to 20-gallon tanks and pretending it's going to help the environment. It's idiotic.

This isn't a quantitative argument, but qualitative. It shouldn't matter what amount of rounds our firearms have. It's the principle of someone else saying I can't have it because they THINK it's not a good idea.

I agree with the other, ban the politicians.
That is true ^ I was seriously shocked they would go that far so I can imagine how the average citizen would feel. We see bullet holes in paper and check the size of the group, non-gun people see bullet holes in whatever is on the paper.
That is true ^ I was seriously shocked they would go that far so I can imagine how the average citizen would feel. We see bullet holes in paper and check the size of the group, non-gun people see bullet holes in whatever is on the paper.

Im not shocked. It sends a fear factor that your child or college student or grandma will be gunned down by a glock with these evil 33 round mags if you dont ban them. I guess with 10 round mags... you would not have that worry pfffft.
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