NFL in Decline

Thank you kind sir! Shaken or stirred sir? one olive...or two? :)
Why are they in decline?.. I never watched it a lot.. but kapersnichtell decide he wanted to for flag I never watched again.. WHY ARE THEY DECLINE?

Many would like to think the kneeling, and that many be true to an extent. What really killed it though is pro sports has forgotten what their role is. They are an escape. A place for people to set their troubles aside and live vicariously through others while they cheer on their team.

This year it wasn’t an escape. It was an in your face reminder of the issues we face in our daily lives. Coaches and players wearing masks, empty stands, BLM solidarity while BLM is burning down our cities.

Rather than an escape, it was an in your face reminder of the thinks that sucked in 2020. I normally love watching football, but this year I lost all interest by week 2.
Many would like to think the kneeling, and that many be true to an extent. What really killed it though is pro sports has forgotten what their role is. They are an escape. A place for people to set their troubles aside and live vicariously through others while they cheer on their team.

This year it wasn’t an escape. It was an in your face reminder of the issues we face in our daily lives. Coaches and players wearing masks, empty stands, BLM solidarity while BLM is burning down our cities.

Rather than an escape, it was an in your face reminder of the thinks that sucked in 2020. I normally love watching football, but this year I lost all interest by week 2.

The fake crowd noise is why I can't watch this year. It drives me nuts.
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