No carry on Corps of Engineers land/water?

Yep. No loaded weapons on Core land except during hunting season and then it's rimfire and shotguns with slug only.
Georgia Carry has sued the CoE over the ban and it is in the court system as of November of last year but I have no idea what's going on with it.
Oral Arguments were in Feb. These things take a lot of time to move through the courts. There has been no ruling on the appeal.

If you want to follow the case at here (jrm is John Monroe, lead attorney for GCO, he frequently comments on the case when there is any news)
February 4th, 2015
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has ordered oral argument for GCO’s appeal of the denial of a preliminary injunction in its case against the Corps of Engineers for March 19, 2015. The argument will be in Courtroom 339, 56 Forsyth Street in Atlanta. Arguments begin at 9 a.m. and are open to the public. GCO’s case is second on the docket.
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Cool thanks! GACarry is da bomb!

I live on West Point lake and the CoE gun ban is a chronic concern for me. The ranger and I were chatting one day and he was telling me about the drug deals and sex parties going on down there. Then there are the poachers ripping down the barriers and leaving skinned carcasses.
It's 3 miles from my door to the ramp and back. That's my usual walk/jog route. Two and a quarter miles of that is on corps land.
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