Rules Input

I can think of several reasons why people might want to not put a cash value on a trade listing and none of them are good.

Add me to the list of "ALWAYS PUT A FREAKING PRICE".... even if you want to trade. Yeah I get you might find the one idiot who may trade 'heavily in your favor' but I'd rather just not waste each other's time if I know you are living in dream land from the get go.
I can think of several reasons why people might want to not put a cash value on a trade listing and none of them are good.
What if it's just simply that they don't want to waste their time responding to people who don't read the ad?

Ad me to the list of "ALWAYS PUT A FREAKING PRICE".... even if you want to trade. Yeah I get you might find the one idiot who may trade 'heavily in your favor' but I'd rather just not waste each other's time if I know you are living in dream land from the get go.
I think you're painting with a really wide brush. I can just see it now. I list something for trade only. Nobody's going to read that. They're going to skip straight to the price and then PM me. Then I have to deal with the "sorry, it's not for sale" "well, why'd you put a price on it then?" conversation.

If I'm not exchanging the item for currency, I don't see why currency is relevant.
What if it's just simply that they don't want to waste their time responding to people who don't read the ad?

I think you're painting with a really wide brush. I can just see it now. I list something for trade only. Nobody's going to read that. They're going to skip straight to the price and then PM me. Then I have to deal with the "sorry, it's not for sale" "well, why'd you put a price on it then?" conversation.

If I'm not exchanging the item for currency, I don't see why currency is relevant.
Let me try again.
If you want to sell it, put a price. Seems we all agree on that.
If you want to trade it, put a cash value anyway. That way I can ignore offering you a Smith model 10 for your "$1,200 Glock" or "$1,000 SKS"
What possible reason is there to NOT put a value on a trade unless.... you are simply trying to run a blind auction?
If people would put SPECIFIC trade interests it would be fine but they generally put something like, "I like revolvers, try me" Well that probably narrows it down to somewhere between $100 and $4,000.
I get some people like "the game" of negotiating when trading. I'm not sure who wouldn't. A cash value shouldn't hinder that one iota.
Then I have to deal with the "sorry, it's not for sale" "well, why'd you put a price on it then?" conversation.
Well, at least it's a conversation, which could lead to more negotiation, and that could result in a trade or a sale. My received reply to PM ratio is running about 60%. I don't consider a 40% ignore rate very gentlemanly or productive. Having to say "No thank you." is a burden that I'm willing to bear.
What possible reason is there to NOT put a value on a trade...A cash value shouldn't hinder that one iota.
Eh...I disagree. Scenario: I'm trading a Glock 19. I really want a S&W 642, so that's my trade value. I'm not selling the Glock because I know that if I have cash laying around, I'll spend it on something else before a 642 pops up. In the new ODT of "All ads must have cash price/value listed," I put $400. Ad is posted. Now let's say User436 sees my ad, thinks to himself, "Hmm, I've always wanted to try out a Glock 19 and I do have an old 642 collecting dust in the safe...maybe I'll PM this guy." But then he gets down to the price/value listed. "Hell, I gave $460 used for that old 642, ain't no way I'm letting it go for $400." User436 is now offended by the unintentional "lowball," whereas, without the price/value being forced into the equation, both members would have been happy with their new acquisition.
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