What constitutes a "low ball offer"

What area of sales? How do YOU respond if a potential buyer offers YOU something less than YOU valued YOUR sale item (from a business perspective)?

Most businesses have based the price they offer their goods and services at either a value commensurate with their investment plus stocking/handling expenses or at a price that is governed by the market.....there may be a "little wiggle room" but it's usually less than 10% of the set price.

For me, the price I list is the least I will take. I don't fault anyone for trying to get it for less but I am usually not receptive to a lower offer unless what I offered initially changes (like taking something in the initial offer off the table).

I'm in industrial sales (B2B). We try to determine what the market will bear so to speak. There are times when an item will sell for a margin based upon a large multiple of cost (cost being material and labor) other times near to cost for strategic reasons.
Cost itself in business is more complex as you have material, labor, SGA, warranty reserves etc.
I'm always going to offer less than someone asks, I was raised to believe the price is always negotiable. I don't do it to offend anyone; but I'm not trying to please them either, just trying to make a transaction. For example: I see XDS 9mm on here all the time for $400-$450 w/a few hundred rounds thru it and light holster wear; Okay! Well it's $412 new, so don't you expect to receive $350 offers? Just my $0.02.
That isn't a lowball offer, that's a reasonable one.

I HATE the "let me take a look at it first" crap. It usually means, "I want you to meet me so I can look over yer rifle with a Marlboro hanging out of my lip and offer you 1/3 of what you're asking and expecting you'll take it because we're in person now and you need to get rid of it"
Offers are part of any business. There should always be a buffer in your cost. You get your price and buyer talked you down some. Both parties happy. I have had times that I had only XXX to spend and have made a low offer because that is all I had available. Sometimes they take it sometimes they don't. If someone gives me an offer I take as to low I just give a polite Thank you for the offer. Don't burn bridges the person that low balled you might be the person that later has something for sale that you want.
My last good one was less than 1/2 of asking price and then only if the item is in 90+% condition and I deliver it to him. I declined his kind offer
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