What does it take

Yeah I get it. But I would rather keep it than loose my ass on it. I know you gotta take a hit on stuff but I’m not gonna give it away.

Ya gotta find that Goldilocks zone on price. Getting what you want is probably a pipe dream on ODT. Price for what the most Billybobcarldannyfrank will pay for it.
Yeah I get it. But I would rather keep it than loose my ass on it. I know you gotta take a hit on stuff but I’m not gonna give it away.
It’s not a great time to sell my friend ... wait till Bernie or Biden or Warren gets elected and stuff will be flying off the shelves again... it’s a good time to be stocking up on cheap stuff to resale, keep or trade what you have , stock up on ammo and MAGs ... etc
Firstly I hope you're able to sell it Man but a lot of folks post stuff without checking to see what the item is selling for online/in stock . That's their business of course ...... until a thread like this comes along . I get it too , we all would like to get a good price on our stuff
The price was $949 a couple years ago when it was new. Either way I’m not worried about it. If it doesn’t sell I will keep it
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