What is the dumbest thing you've seen/heard in a gun shop?

The dumbest thing I have ever seen period is when I was in high school. I was 14-15 somewhere in there and I had the gun case and gun rack in my room. One day I took the owner of the Chevy dealers son in to my room with my very best friend to retrieve a Karate weapon or do something along that nature. He saw my pump shot gun on the wall. He jumped up on the bed, grabbed the gun racked the slide and pointed it right at my head. As you can imagine I broke out in a cop chase run. He actually pulled the trigger. I calmly walked over grabbed the gun and yelled " WHAT IN THE FU*K AR YOU DOING!" Then I took the end of the barrel and smacked down on top of head with it. At the time I didn't laugh. I just continued to lambast him with derogatory comments.

A couple months later I was watch the movie Weird Science with my best friend, the one that witnessed the atrocity. The scene where Chet woke up and the house was a mess from the party. He took a double barrel shotgun and did the same thing to the two young guys. He said " You're stewed butt wad " and then smaked them on the head again with the tip of the shotgun. Me and my best friend that was present during that horrible infraction laughed until we literally cried. All we could think about was the way he reached up and grabbed his head and he looked like his mother just died. I mean I cracked that cabbage like I was trying to drive a nail in his head. LOL To this day If I wonder up on that movie and it's close to that scene I watch it and laugh till I bust a gut. My wife doesn't even know what I am laughing at. I won't tell her, she won't get it anyway. It's a man thing. My best friend live up in Big Canoe and we still get a kick out of that story.
I was browsing around Country Boy Sports in Homer GA one day during the 2012 presidential election. It's a small shop (probably less than 500 square feet of retail space) on a back road. I was one of only three customers in the store at the time. The owner was sitting behind a desk in the corner across from who I'm assuming was a friend of his. Only about two minutes after I walk thorough the front door, the owner starts speaking loudly saying "when Obama losses the election the N*****s are going to rise up and start riots. They won't stand for it and Obama won't either. He'll declare martial law and refuse to give up the presidency. There's about to be another civil war." Now I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but all I could do is stare at him in disbelief of what I was hearing. I mean WTF?! Really?! Mind you, this man has no idea who the other people are who are in his store. After listening for a couple of minutes I left. I haven't been back since. It's morons like this that give the rest of us a bad name.
I was browsing around Country Boy Sports in Homer GA one day during the 2012 presidential election. It's a small shop (probably less than 500 square feet of retail space) on a back road. I was one of only three customers in the store at the time. The owner was sitting behind a desk in the corner across from who I'm assuming was a friend of his. Only about two minutes after I walk thorough the front door, the owner starts speaking loudly saying "when Obama losses the election the N*****s are going to rise up and start riots. They won't stand for it and Obama won't either. He'll declare martial law and refuse to give up the presidency. There's about to be another civil war." Now I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but all I could do is stare at him in disbelief of what I was hearing. I mean WTF?! Really?! Mind you, this man has no idea who the other people are who are in his store. After listening for a couple of minutes I left. I haven't been back since. It's morons like this that give the rest of us a bad name.
I will have to ask Uncle Ruckus about this one. LOL
I was browsing around Country Boy Sports in Homer GA one day during the 2012 presidential election. It's a small shop (probably less than 500 square feet of retail space) on a back road. I was one of only three customers in the store at the time. The owner was sitting behind a desk in the corner across from who I'm assuming was a friend of his. Only about two minutes after I walk thorough the front door, the owner starts speaking loudly saying "when Obama losses the election the N*****s are going to rise up and start riots. They won't stand for it and Obama won't either. He'll declare martial law and refuse to give up the presidency. There's about to be another civil war." Now I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but all I could do is stare at him in disbelief of what I was hearing. I mean WTF?! Really?! Mind you, this man has no idea who the other people are who are in his store. After listening for a couple of minutes I left. I haven't been back since. It's morons like this that give the rest of us a bad name.
That is what all the libs are saying about Trump now, right after the election last year they said that was the last election the US will ever have...:wacko:.
I listened to a kid in Academy once tell a customer how a 20 gauge shot gun had more knock down power than a 12, that is why the gauge number was bigger.
Oh lord. Another 16 year old behind the counter. I knew more about guns when I was ten. I started hunting on my grandfathers property when I was seven or eight. Used a single shot 410. " you know it has the most knock down power of them all". LOL I swear what retailers will do to save a dime. Hell back then It wasn't uncommon to see 8 and 10 guage guns. Try to find one today. I shot one once. Just once is all I wanted.
I was browsing around Country Boy Sports in Homer GA one day during the 2012 presidential election. It's a small shop (probably less than 500 square feet of retail space) on a back road. I was one of only three customers in the store at the time. The owner was sitting behind a desk in the corner across from who I'm assuming was a friend of his. Only about two minutes after I walk thorough the front door, the owner starts speaking loudly saying "when Obama losses the election the N*****s are going to rise up and start riots. They won't stand for it and Obama won't either. He'll declare martial law and refuse to give up the presidency. There's about to be another civil war." Now I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but all I could do is stare at him in disbelief of what I was hearing. I mean WTF?! Really?! Mind you, this man has no idea who the other people are who are in his store. After listening for a couple of minutes I left. I haven't been back since. It's morons like this that give the rest of us a bad name.

Why cant we all just get along?
I was browsing around Country Boy Sports in Homer GA one day during the 2012 presidential election. It's a small shop (probably less than 500 square feet of retail space) on a back road. I was one of only three customers in the store at the time. The owner was sitting behind a desk in the corner across from who I'm assuming was a friend of his. Only about two minutes after I walk thorough the front door, the owner starts speaking loudly saying "when Obama losses the election the N*****s are going to rise up and start riots. They won't stand for it and Obama won't either. He'll declare martial law and refuse to give up the presidency. There's about to be another civil war." Now I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination but all I could do is stare at him in disbelief of what I was hearing. I mean WTF?! Really?! Mind you, this man has no idea who the other people are who are in his store. After listening for a couple of minutes I left. I haven't been back since. It's morons like this that give the rest of us a bad name.
I was in Valdosta at a store that is now closed, I experienced a similar situation. A Police officer in Kakis and a black polo shirt embroidered with a badge. Was talking loud the "N" this and the "N" that and hat neighborhood back there, ect. I was kinda getting pissed. I have many folks that work for me of all races, good people from all races. my wife is not white for gods sake. I approached him and ask for his badge # he said why? I said because your a public servant just like me and you have duty to up hold the law. Your in here embarrassing your self, with that language, that obviously effects you judgment and decision making. Now can I have your badge #? He quickly left the store. What a POS.
I was in Valdosta at a store that is now closed, I experienced a similar situation. A Police officer in Kakis and a black polo shirt embroidered with a badge. Was talking loud the "N" this and the "N" that and hat neighborhood back there, ect. I was kinda getting pissed. I have many folks that work for me of all races, good people from all races. my wife is not white for gods sake. I approached him and ask for his badge # he said why? I said because your a public servant just like me and you have duty to up hold the law. Your in here embarrassing your self, with that language, that obviously effects you judgment and decision making. Now can I have your badge #? He quickly left the store. What a POS.

Need pics of wife.......you know, to confirm she's not white..........for a friend.
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