Why do people leave guns in their cars especially overnight?

Why do people leave their tools in the bed of their truck?

I have way more money invested in the Snap-On tools that stay on the back of my truck, than the firearms that lay on the seat.

Why do people steal other people's ****?
Because our justice system's punishment for crimes sucks.
This gun is not a hi point

Yeah I see where it could confused with hi point. ...busted barrel and all...lol
yep, I'm not that familiar with em since never had one, never wil, other than to bait trap, l just used the pic to visualize my idea of the 'trap"
for any punk that makes it to one of my vehicles intact.
I'll give you one reason why I keep guns in my truck/car. His name is Devin Kelley. Now see my sig line. You are the type to run from gunfire or run to it.

I had to Google Devin Kelley.
I agree, him and other vermin that need to be exterminated.

I can bite a 1/2” galvanized steel plumbing pipe wif my teef, too.
I can’t bite THROUGH it, or really damage it, but I can bites it!

Now, seriously, this is one of two bike locks I use for securing weapons in parked vehicles.
I can leave the revolver fully loaded and disable it by going behind the trigger but thru the guard, OR ...

... or I can open the cylinder (or slide for a self-loader) and run the cable thru the frame itself.

I couldn’t get a good pic of the set-up in my own vehicle because of the lack of sunlight and the dark carpeting. However I brought the gun indoors, and these pics demonstrate the idea using the leg of a sofa as a substitute for one of the attachment points of my vehicles’ seat.
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