Air gun ads

Cause we don’t us AI, and we cannot possibly see all ads. We rely on members to help us by reporting threads that need attention.
May I suggest either allowing air guns in the firearms category, or maybe adding a new category? Many airguns are precision machines and prices equal or exceed some firearms. That said, some city governments define firearms as any device that can propel a projectile, which includes airguns and even a slingshot as one city attorney told me!
Also, muzzle loaders aren’t considered firearms yet are listed.
There doesn't seem to be a good category to which airguns would seem to naturally belong.
They're not accessories for a gun-- they ARE guns.

While they may be a "gun", they are not a firearm. Currently they get moved to Outdoor Gear, they may need their own category but it would not be under firearms.
May I suggest either allowing air guns in the firearms category, or maybe adding a new category? Many airguns are precision machines and prices equal or exceed some firearms. That said, some city governments define firearms as any device that can propel a projectile, which includes airguns and even a slingshot as one city attorney told me!
Also, muzzle loaders aren’t considered firearms yet are listed.

Those city governments are overstepping their authority, someone needs to challenge them in court.
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