ATF pistol brace :(

it sure wound be fun to take all the braces to the ATF headquarters and make a barricade out of them. just seal up the front door with them. sure they could still get out. but it would be fun to make them use the backdoor. after all thats how they treat gun rules,not laws.
funny they never change the definition of a beer or a pack of cigarettes.
Uh, yeah they do change the rules regarding alcohol (labeling, marketing rules, acceptable names, alcohol content, caffeine inclusion), and cigarettes (outlawing cloves, marketing rules, and about to outlaw menthol but not till after the election, never mind all sort of vape shenanigans). Some of that is FDA and other agencies, but yeah, the government at all levels monkeys with alcohol and tobacco too. Alcohol that you can't legally distill at home... and tobacco that you can't legally grow at home. So yeah, the "A" and the "T" get abused too.
so if the brace will require a $200 tax stamp,then they should do a buy back. the new value is the cost of the brace + $200
blade $30 + $200 = $230
sba4 $180 + $200 = $380
so i think we should force them to do a buy back at value. after all they say its worth an extra $200 to keep them.
so lets sell them back at the market value they have set buy changing the rule,also since it take 2 months to over a year to get a stamp back.....we get payed and have 2 years to send them to them...
maybe hit them in the pocketbook and add a lot of paperwork...
A few broken windows? Lol. A lot more damage was done than that.

So you want to act like all those people didn’t ATTACK POLICE? Stfu
ThIs Is WhAt cOmMuNitY lOokS LiKe




Wikipedia? lol. Funny how when I put a wiki link, everyone was like THAT'S NOT CREDIBLE BECAUSE ANY LIBERAL COULD EDIT IT. Yet here you are, using the same thing. Notice it says the ARCHITECT. And they caused 1/3 the damage in a single day, and for what? Your idiot leader said he got ripped off, didn't provide any proof, and yall still crying about it almost 2 years later. lol.

If you think Antifa burning a car is the same as breaking into a federal building with white house officials in it, you are delusional. Trump is a rich, corrupt, narcissistic, lying pos and has been his whole life. Newsflash, he was a life long Democrat and best friends with the Clintons. But because he spews hateful rhetoric that aligns with your same hateful beliefs, yall blindly support that moron. Nothing he's said has any proof. No matter how much ya'll rub your vaginas will change that.
just gonna share
Jan 6th.
protest went sideways and a few bad actors started a mob run. the only one killed was a un-armed girl. she dies by wrongfully trying to get thru a locked door. no one claimed she was a "goot boy" and put up baby pics of her. the people from Jan 6th are being hunted and prosecuted.
planned acts of violence that led to more death and destruction. BLM burned people's businesses,destroyed cop cars,and even tried to burn alive cops in a police station. but its not a problem because they have never been as violent as the Jan 6th crowd...(sarcasm)
so support who you want. thats your right. but dont compare a organized crime hate group to a bunch of people who started peaceful and got stupid..

Jan 6th is important because Americans got mad and touched their masters. the only things they destroyed,are things they owned part of. it was wrong,but its like punching your windshield. its stupid,but its yours.
BLM destroys things people worked hard for and killed people for the fun of it..
dont compare a violent animal mob with a bunch of dumb@$$es...dumb@$$ is usually temporary,violent is full time..

Went sideways? They were literally chanting kill Mike Pence on the way there. There's VIDEOS of people at the Trump rally saying they were going there to burn it down and kill the tyrants. A few bad actors? There were 10s of thousands of people in those videos forcing their way into the Capitol. A few?! You're high.

BLM didn't plan acts of violence. 93% of protests had no incidents, and the DOJ report shows most incidents that did occur only occurred nearby and had nothing to do with a protest.

Who did BLM specifically target and kill? Once again, you're lumping the actions of a few people in with the millions.

Trump supporters are PEACEFUL? lmfao. You are smoking crack. So BLM is a hate group, but WHITE NATIONALISTS aren't? I guess it was BLM plowing through crowds, yelling racial slurs, wearing swastikas, and yelling kill Mike Pence.

And people absolutely did put all sorts of pictures up of Asheli Babbit and say she was a "goot girl". She broke the law. What happened to yall saying "should have complied"?
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