Background checks

To be honest with you , I unsubcribed from Isackson's e-mail , I could see his writing on the wall , when he voted for Obama's new tax reform , and I unsubscribed , the e-mail asked" why ?" I wrote back saying "if you Sen. Isakson will vote with Obama , you'll vote ANY KIND of gun control " He's lost my vote and Sen Chambliss also , but he's retiring , so that don't matter . I believe a man should stay the course , your either a democrat , a republican, independant and so on . Another thing that get's stuck in my craw is when a life long democrat overnite runs the next campaign as a Republican. I believe that politicians when they do that are wolves in sheep's clothing because deep down the NEW republican is still a life long democrat and that he or she playing the role as a republican. No switching parties just because you'll win the election. As a matter of fact why don't these nimrods ban that crap ?

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