California police fire 65 rounds at murder suspect with no hits (threads merged)

pew pew pew.jpg
omg, those cops are a bunch of morons. listen to em saying ill shoot your dog, i dont care about your puppy, its just a puppy, then they have all the ppl lined up on the wall just right of where they dumped all their mags. at a loss for words pretty much..

Seems like if you fired 65 rounds into a barn, you would think you'd hit someone inside.
Suppressive fire has never been a great causality producer in any war fought since the invention of the firearm. No reason to believe it would do any more harm just because a barn or camper is the target. The goal of suppressive fire is to stop another's lethal conduct, not necessarily kill the lethal actor, and that is usually just what it does....sometimes. If you really are interested in the historical effects of suppressive fire here's a good read.
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