Carrying while hiking or on the AT?

Yes you can carry on federal lands in the state if you have the license or reciprocity. The dumbass Obama signed that law. I think it was attached to some credit card bill, and he was pretty much forced to sign. One of the rare wins we had under him.

But as Wolfpen said, the AT is filled with leftard snowflakes. I use a Safepacker holster when hiking. It looks like part of your pack, and it's easy access.
If the state you are in recognizes your state's license AND that state allows carry on state park land the federal law allows carry there. You can't carry inside a federal building that houses an office though. Brasstown bald's building is off-limits(I know the AT doesn't go close by just using it as an example)
I intentionally drive around them when traveling.
I decided to hike the AT through NJ,NY,CT,MA in Apr/May (still cold) while there were very few other hikers and reduce the chance of a negative encounter with a local. I weighed the option of carrying it for 2 months and taking the chance of some libtard hiker accidently seeing it in my pack and calling 911 and getting hauled in at the next road crossing and getting a felony conviction that would prevent me from ever owning another gun. Or since I am 6'1" and 218 and have handled situations bare handed in the past just consider the odds of having to use it on the AT are minuscule and not have to worry. Carrying on a day hike or a couple of overnight backpacking trips in GA/NC is one thing, being on the trail for months at a time in a libtard state where, if caught you have zero defense is another.
I've read alot online about carrying (open and conceal) while on a thru-hike on the AT (and hiking in general). You can in parts of it, you can't in others... no firearms can be discharged on federal lands,etc.

If i was to start @ Springer Mtn (where the AT starts in GA & i have a GA ccw) and do the 70 or so miles in GA would i be okay? Where are the federal lands on the AT, any in GA?

What's the ODT consensus for carrying while hiking on the AT?

While I think you would be fine to legally carry a firearm on the Georgia section of the AT. Even if you are not within the law due to passing through a WMA or federal land or whatever who is going to check you? I have done the Georgia section of the AT and never felt the need to carry a firearm. It is problaly the least dangerous place you will ever go, at least in the need of a gun. Even if you are carrying it for bears or whatever you will be surprised at the lack of anything with fur you will see. The only wildlife I saw were rats at the shelters or campsites. Just my 2 cents.
There was also a case of two females murdered in PA but over all considering the thousands of hikers on the AT verses the number crimes it is extremely low but, in life, there is always the possibility.

I walked 800 miles in 92 and I had 3 separate run-ins with folks that made me very wary of them.
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