Do you support moving Confederate statues away from government buildings and spaces?

As for Grant, according to this source he freed his slave prior to the war:

Grant owned a slave named William Jones, whom he freed in 1859. Between 1854 and 1859 Grant worked and lived on an 850-acre farm in Missouri, near St. Louis, that was owned by his father-in-law. Grant’s wife, Julia, also owned slaves, and during Grant’s management of the farm he worked along with one of them, a man named Dan. The farm is now the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, part of the National Park Service.

Another source:

There are literally no other pieces of historical evidence to suggest that Grant ever owned slaves at any point after 1859. The quote about Grant not being able to find any good labor is a complete fabrication and you will not find it in his edited papers or any newspapers from the time. It’s simply not true.

Grant wasn't exactly prosperous, lol.

As far as Lee, he never owned any slaves. His wife inherited the Custis estates and the slaves attached to them. Her father's will stipulated that his slaves be freed within five years of his death. George Washington Parke Custis died in 1857. The Custis slaves were freed in 1862 in accordance with the will. Lee never owned any slaves to free.
Never in my life, would I ever have thought, that the state of Virginia would tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee... unbelievable.

As a student of military history and descendant of an officer in Co. F, Ga 48th Inf., CSA, the current hysteria and complicity of 'leaders' in these towns with the leftists in removing these monuments rends my soul and tears at every fiber of my being.

If I were catch anyone doing something to desecrate the graves and monuments in my family cemetery? I'll be back on ODT when (or if) I get out should they take me alive.
I visited Washington & Lee University a few years ago when my daughter was looking at schools. Touring the campus, seeing the house where Lee lived, his family is hard to imagine Virginia desecrating the memory of one of the greatest Virginian's who ever lived. He left the US military with great reluctance and only when forced to choose between his beloved Virginia and Washington.

Shame on the liberal Democrats like the governor. Shame on the conservative rural Virginian's for not rising up to defend
his ( "Lee's") honor.
Americans are being turned against each other...driven into factions who hate each other. Just like in the Middle East with the Kurds vs Sunni Vs Shiite. The gloves have come off, this ideological war against the foundation of US civilization has operated in secret for decades...right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.

Only now the enemies of our state are being brazen enough to come out of the shadows and openly embrace domestic terrorism and anarchy. They have spent a few decades in our government schools gradually preparing the minds of our younger generations for this power grab...they have the support of the last few decades of college grads...imagine that?

This will get ugly I believe. It will split families just like 150 years ago. Each side will fervently believe they are right...and will be willing to fight for what they believe. Only this time it's not much "north vs south" as "urban bs rural" or "Constitutional Repulic vs Democratic Socialism"
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