First EVER negative feedback!

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Some peoples word means nothing. Hope to never deal with said useless person.

I have been lucky to not really have any "bad" experiances to warrant negative feedback, but have been lucky enough to meet a few douchy folks.
I hate to do it
I can see your point but if he had a valid emergency I would consider it
If he had a valid emergency he wouldn't be surfing the ODT now, not replying to you! If he has time for surfing for other deals and not time for explaining to you why he didnt show up , he needs a negative.
If he had a valid emergency he wouldn't be surfing the ODT now, not replying to you! If he has time for surfing for other deals and not time for explaining to you why he didnt show up , he needs a negative.

Yeah guess it's true, he's on right now. So I guess he's alive.
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