Gun Control Supporters Admit Lying About Background Checks For 20

Everything they say is a lie.

About three decades ago I really started scrutinizing the noise form the anti-gun assholes-The "AWB' ban was a major event. And yes pretty much EVERYTHING they claim is a lie, lie of omission, statistical puffery utilizing poor research models that are oddly not recommended because they can introduce bias :eek2:. Emory's Dr. Author Kellerman took CDC tax (our) money grants and created propaganda that promoted numerous restrictive laws and infringements for years. The leftist prohibitionist still quote that discredited asshole. He was removed from staff.

The real crapper is the media supports their platform, well they are corporate and they are 97% pro Democrap/socialist but they have pretty much relegated themselves to insignificance, especially during this election cycle.

They are losing huge ground and continue to do so...
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