I Have The Roni

I just got over it. 45 yo, in very good shape (lift and cardio). I thought it was allergies but my cough got bad, tested positive and was offered the regeneron. I declined as I had no fever, etc. Day 1-3 was no biggie and no fever. Day 4-6 was low fever and cough and just felt kind of blah. Day 7 I felt awful and got the regeneron. I've heard of people getting shots but mine was an IV drip and took maybe half an hour. That same night my fever spiked to 103 (with Tylenol) and I felt terrible for a day or 2 and then I was tired and slept half the day from days 8-12. 13 &14 were kind of recovery where I started feeling human. I mostly avoided Tylenol with the exception of the high fever and some Nyquil. I prefer ibuprofen as it's less harsh on your liver.

The doctor told me I could qualify for regenron only because my BMI is slightly high. My higher BMI is due to increased muscle mass, my body fat is right at 15%. So everyone should know, you essentially must have a pre-existing condition or be "overweight." The nurses I encountered was surprised because they were expecting obesity, diabetes, etc.

I initially declined Regeneron because I felt others might need the antibodies more and there is a limited supply. So in total, I was sick for 14 days, most of that being mild fever and cough plus lots of drainage and congestion. My o2 levels stayed high throughout, but back in the gym today and my cardio and strength took a nose dive but I can do all normal daily tasks just fine. We planted food plots this weekend and I got tired but it was not a show stopper.

Doc told me to expect 1 month to fully recover. Prior to being sick I had been on daily Vitamin D, C and zinc along with a multi vitamin since covid started. I never wear a mask and am unvaccinated, no pre-existing conditions, allergies or issues. I'm fit and was likely over confident in how well I would deal with this, but several fit mid 40s friends have all had similar experiences to mine. I'd say having the flu is the closest to how I felt, except this wasn't as bad most days, but did last longer. I knew I'd get it and am surprised it took this long. Best of luck and I hope this helps.

My 10 and 13 year old also had it (10 yr old probably brought it home to us) and they were both sick for 3 total days with only one bad day each.
I hear that "they" are considering that everyone over 21 mush have and possess a handgun. "They" say its for the same reason as the shot, to protect others..
Jblue Jblue , how are you feeling? Any updates?
Jeddak Jeddak , do any of you have lingering side effects? Where do I obtain: Ivermectin, quercetin and NAC (also what is this one)?
41mag 41mag , how's your bunch?
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