I was stopped at a road block last night.

One time i got pulled over for my window tint and informed the officer i had a gun and told him it was between me and the center consol, he turned around and started walking away, threw his hands into the air and said "AGHHH dont shoot me " in a playful voice. it was really random, No one will believe me but 6 months later i got pulled over 1 mile from the place i was previosuly pulled over at for the same offence (window tint) and it was the same cop that pulled me over and he did the same thing again when i told him i had a gun and where it was located. The only difference this time was that my friend was driving my truck and not me.
okay... I will be that guy... you know you dont need a permit to carry in your car. It could have gone very differently if the cop was one of the ones that dont like armed civilians. I personally would not have disclosed that I was carrying. If he saw it, cool, otherwise, its none of his damn business. Here is my driver's license, thank you and have a nice day.

... but I am glad it turned out well for you.

What you said, I agree 100%
X3 on disclosure. I had a buddy (going hunting) The officer stopped me because of an accident ahead. Right away my buddy say's "Hey we are armed" The officer looks at him and said "Are you braggin?" You're in full camo, I see gun cases in the truck bed, pulling a trailer-ed ATV. Duh.... Gave us a wave to move to the berm past the accident.....
On the rare occasion that I get stopped, I usually hand over my ccw and DL at the same time. It an easy way to non-verbally inform the Officer that you're armed. You never know how an officer will react to the word "gun". Usually, it's gets me a warning instead of a ticket. A couple of times the Officer struck up a conversation about guns afterwards and they were obviously gun guys. I've only had one bad experience in 15 years. A city cop stopped me and when he found out I had a weapon in the car, he made me get out and stand by the tailgate while retrieved the gun. He proceeded to run my plates & did a serial number check on the gun. I thought the whole thing was ridiculous, since I had made it clear that I was licensed & legal. It was a hassle, but he let me off with a warning in the end. To this day, I still wonder if that was even legal.
Oh your THAT guy? :cool-new:

I generally don't discuss what I am carrying with anyone I encounter, but everything seemed to work out. Some states require citizens to inform an officer of a weapon in the car.

Right........In Alaska, it is a felony if you do not tell the officer that you have a gun, even if you are lic'd
I only had one bad instance. Got pulled over for a seat belt violation in my birthday leaving the range at Bullseye. First thing he asked was if I had a gun in the car. I told him yes and he kind of freaked even though I told him I had a permit. I wish I would have known the law a little better because before I knew it I was out of the car, and he had my gun. Everything checked out and I got a ticket. I was pissed but still tried to sell the gun to him haha. He wasn't interested.
When will you guys ever learn...that pig violated your 4th amendment rights by shining his light in your car!!!1!!!eleven!!!1!! Did he have a warrant!?!!?!?!!!???!7? Had you been mirandized and submitted to search!11!!!!?/?? I ain't tellin' the po-lice nuthhin'! I tellya what I'da did. Show me a warrant and talk to my lawyer. Slaves submit to rules. Free men makes choices.

Free men make choices. True dat. And I CHOOSE to cooperate with law enforcement and make BOTH our lives easier by not being a dickhead.

If I'm asked out of the car I will most certainly let the officer know and let HIM decide how he wants me to proceed for both our safety. But if I'm not getting out then there's probably no need to add that to the conversation.
I'm not bringing it up if he doesn't first. Course there's enough ammo boxes and various loose rounds laying around in my truck that I think it is obvious that I PROBABLY have something in there. This is if I am in a local traffic stop. I do tidy up a bit when riding down to the Big City where most of yall are though.
Free men make choices. True dat. And I CHOOSE to cooperate with law enforcement and make BOTH our lives easier by not being a dickhead.

So understanding and excercising your rights if you so choose makes you a dickhead? Although I agree there are different ways to inform the LEO of your choice. ALWAYS BE NICE.............
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