Never know who you're gonna meet.


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The Hen that laid the Golden Legos
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Jan 25, 2013
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So as some of you may know I manage a grocery store. My store is in the middle of nowhere in a small (understatement) rural town. I have learned through the years that you never know who you will come in contact with.

Yesterday I was making my rounds, walking the store, speaking to and helping customers when I had a gentleman and his wife ask where the restroom was.

I can tell when someone is a local or just passing through. We have a lot of great loyal customers, but we get a lot of vacationers as well. I knew these two were the latter.

Anyway, I struck up a conversation with this couple for probably 15 minutes or so, only to find out this man is an NFL Hall of Famer. His name is Dwight Stevenson. Any of you remember him?

It was very cool. He and his wife were extremely polite down to earth people. Definitely made my day.
Cant see your pic
I know, he was so friendly. I didn't ask for a picture because I didn't want to risk offending him. He said they may stop by tomorrow on their way back home. If he does, I'll ask then. Wish I asked yesterday now.
As cool as it was, it's not quite the coolest experience I've had along those lines.

When I was a kid I was a huge Evander Holyfield fan. All my friends loved Tyson and I loved Evander.

Fast forward 25+ years and I mentioned to a friend of mine what a fan I was. Little did I know they were very close friends.

Later that night he texted and asked if I could talk for a little bit. When I told him I could he called immediately. I had no idea he was gonna have Evander on the other line. As soon as I said hello, he said "Matt, you're on the phone with the champ, ask him anything you want." We ended up talking for about an hour and a half. One of the coolest sports related stories of my life. He was great to talk to.
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