Soon to be ex wife went a did it. Pics added (not those kind)

its not you man, its the job market. lots of folks have tried to come out and say "look how awesome things are now!" after trump won but the flat out truth is that the job market is just as screwed up as it has been for the past decade. unemployment numbers are significantly higher than they try to say they are. Its insanely hard to get a job still in the market. Hell i'm trying to move positions and have applied to dozens that i am perfectly qualified for and in several instances over qualified and i havent heard a peep. The only areas of the country i know that are hiring are skilled labor where the number of applicants have been dropping over the past couple years, HVAC, wielding, plumbing, ect - these are the only places really hiring out there right now but you can make a decent living off of them.
Its getting ridiculous. Jobs be like 6 years experience plus a masters degree for 29K salary like wtf.
It's time to change Professions.

The Market is flooded with Academia, & Skilled Trades are booming.

Yep skilled trades are where it's at. I have been suggesting to college bound guys to learn a trade so you have something to fall back on during hard times. Do some research and find out not only what is in demand, but what has longevity.
I use to make good living pipe welding.Mainly welded gas and oxygen lines,sometimes they was live lines.A skill trade seems to be where money is at too many people want an easy job...
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