Y’all keep it quiet tonight. Some of us go to bed early.

New Year's...big deal.
<<<<<< Otis hates fireworks & thunder too.
What makes it worse is when folks want to
blast sporadically all day & night instead
of one concentration over a few hours.
Like 11:30-1:30. Pretty obvious the fireworks
vendors have better paid lobbyists than the
pet owners. Oh well, 2022 is on it's way, too
late to stop it now. HNY ODTers
I like hiding in the bushes and aiming my rockets at the dumbass neighbors. Hit their house scare the **** out of them and pop up and say "My Bad---Happy New Year"!!!!
Im glad you all the way up yonder in Crackworth…. If you was my neighbor doing that to me …..I would pop up on the front porch with my tater gun and sling one yer way and say “My Bad ! Happy new year !! “ :pound: :fencing::boink:
But if you were my neighbor….it would be cool because we would be the ones creating havoc in the hood !!
BWAHAHAHA !!! :pound::laugh::lol:
I can’t be quiet. I’ve got big plans. I hear wildbill1973z28 wildbill1973z28 ‘s neighbor is having a big party.
That is every nite !I found out today that tomorrow is Mother’s Day I had no ****ing idea! (For those that don’t know like I didn’t that’s when the mother****ing government check comes ) wtf
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