Anyone actually USE their weapon in civilian SD?

Wow I was not expecting to wake up to 4 pages of replies, thanks to all who responded!Any way I think I should clarify something...If I were to find myself in a situation where I needed to draw my weapon, and for some reason the only weapon I had was a platinum 1911 Forged by JMB himself in the fires of Mordor lubricated with reverse albino unicorn tears and shot bullets made of the sum total of my bank account converted to lead I would still not hesitate to use it to protect myself or my family. I suppose I shouldn't be worried about the Polices taking my gun after an SD scenario but it is in the back of my head.

As far as the situation with the person killing themselves that is just a horrible thing. I don't fault the Polices for not cleaning it as it really isn't their job, but I do question why anyone would want to go pick that weapon up after what it was used for rather than just letting it be melted down.

Of course this is the kind of thing I think about when I am not in a civilian combat situation. These kinds of consideration would fly out the window were an actual SD scenario to pop up, but non-stressed leisure time usually affords me too much time to over-think things. I'm still on the fence as to what to do. An M&P 45 would get the job done, but by comparison it is a spray and pray weapon to my DW. I will not buy a Glock as I don't think it's worth the $420 I could get one for and for some reason I can't seem to hit the broad side of Saturn with one. They are not bad guns by any means but they just don't work for me. I could almost buy 3 M&P 45s for the price of the DW, but I think the DW is well more than 3 times better. For what it's worth, I spend most of my time in Cobb County, Kennesaw to be exact.That's no indication of where a potential SD scenario would happen, but it is where I am most often. I suppose the real question is should I carry what I WANT to carry and hope I never have to use it ( and potentially get it taken away), or carry what will get the job done and hope to never use it.

Someone else started on the "should it have been cleaned" tangent, not me, so I will let that dog lie. I will respond though to why my buddy finally got the weapon back after such an awful experience.

I was with him when he got the phone call from the police, and I was with him several weeks later when he got it back, for support. I saw his pain as he wrestled back and forth as to if he wanted it or not. At first, he said I could have the pistol...I said fine, because it is an inanimate piece of metal....just the same as any battlefield pickup would be. Once back at his house and he cleaned it...he changed his mind and carries it to this very day. Sick....not sick...I dont know...we all heal differently.

My overall...and only point to any of this, was that even under strange circumstances, if someone wants a weapon back, I guess they can get it.

Op...sorry for any highjacking
I have a friend who had to use his shotgun. He called the PD after 7 days and they said he wouldn't be getting his gun back for a long time, so he told them and I quote:

'That was my grandads shotgun and let me tell you, its not the only shotgun I have. I will be down there in 30 mins to pick up my gun'

When he got there, they had his gun ready for him :thumb:
What rusted crap, my glock has been rained on many times, hot with a water hose on full blast and wasn't cleaned Til last weekend (glock was rained on, super soaked, and garden hosed in the summer)
Long as my ammo ain't wet I'm good.

You may not get it back for a year. Does it sit wet in a plastic bag?
I have a friend who had to use his shotgun. He called the PD after 7 days and they said he wouldn't be getting his gun back for a long time, so he told them and I quote:

'That was my grandads shotgun and let me tell you, its not the only shotgun I have. I will be down there in 30 mins to pick up my gun'

When he got there, they had his gun ready for him :thumb:

Sure. The police love thinly veiled treats.
I have a friend who had to use his shotgun. He called the PD after 7 days and they said he wouldn't be getting his gun back for a long time, so he told them and I quote:

'That was my grandads shotgun and let me tell you, its not the only shotgun I have. I will be down there in 30 mins to pick up my gun'

When he got there, they had his gun ready for him :thumb:

I have a friend who had to use his shotgun. He called the PD after 7 days and they said he wouldn't be getting his gun back for a long time, so he told them and I quote:

'That was my grandads shotgun and let me tell you, its not the only shotgun I have. I will be down there in 30 mins to pick up my gun'

When he got there, they had his gun ready for him :thumb:

I suppose the real question is should I carry what I WANT to carry and hope I never have to use it ( and potentially get it taken away), or carry what will get the job done and hope to never use it.
The answer is carry it if you want but dont dare stick that DW in kydex unless you want to just turn it into a battle weapon fo sho! The Kelley Gunleather CFlex is my DW's best friend. I dont carry it but it has a nice place to hang out :)
I have a DW Pointman Major but it is not my EDC for no other reason than I don't want to F-it up. Don't let fear that your gun will be held in evidence have any affect on what you carry. Carry the weapon that best suits your needs. Worst case scenario, you need it, use it, the police take it, and you are still alive. $1,500 well spent.

This , I carry My P7M8. If it saves my life and for whatever reason I don't get it back. As long as I am alive and able to buy another one.... I can live with that.
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