Brandsmart firearm policy

It's not posted in spanish, no habla ingles?

If it's concealed, no one will ever know, unless I'm forced to use it. Piss on them and their sign. My policy not to die unnecessarily trumps their sign. No comprendo?
I usually carry my sig p238 iwb, and that thing doesnt print at all. I wear it everywhere. But if I had a cop actively looking for people carrying, I woukd use my deep concealment technique. A desert eagle carried DIMBC will make any cop think twice about checking for concealed.

DIMBC=Deep In My Butt Crack

Dude! You may never be able to complete a trade again on here with that info posted. lmao!

unless it's a long gun....
My simple response to the sign is "I'll spend my dollars at your competitor's place."

Thanks for letting me know I'm not welcome in your store.
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