drew my sidearm, lesson learned

Because bullets are ****ing deadly. That's why.

You fired warning shots without a problem? Good for you, but that does not make it right. I used to drive with a beer in my lap and a joint in my mouth, but that does not make it right.
No they're not. I handle, carry and fire bullets almost everyday without killing anyone.
Not saying it would or would not be the right thing to do as there are millions of variables affecting that decision but if a person were use the threat of deadly force in the act of preventing a forcible felony & the aggressor began approaching in an aggressive manner even after being given one or more loud verbal warnings to STOP! then in most cases I would feel justified using lethal force to stop the threat.
In addition to using the threat of lethal force to prevent or stop the forcible felony the "shooter" used the least amount of force possible to stop the threat & the aggressor acted "unreasonably" by continuing to advance on an armed person telling them to STOP.
How does that response from the aggressor increase their ability or opportunity? All it does is prove intent. It doesn't matter what his intent is if he's not armed or doesn't have a clearly superior physical ability to you. On the other hand, I'm not going to let him get within arms length so he can THEN pull the knife out of his pocket.
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